is there trainz has n@zi train?

I don't quite know how to approach this question.

Do you mean rolling stock typical of that particular country and era (1930s to 1945)? If so then probably, but I know next to nothing about European rolling stock in general and nothing from that era.

Do you mean rolling stock displaying the symbols of that particular political (and criminal) organisation? This would be very problematic as the most recognisable symbol of that organisation is banned in many juristrictions. If anyone created rolling stock in such a livery it would, I am certain, be rightly banned from the DLS. Personally, I would not have anything to do with such assets and, I would expect, so would most others.

My opinions.
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Also, what exactly would require looking for that? This I'm just curious, are you modeling a route from Central Europe in the 30s and 40s? Or is it for something else? If you'd rather not answer that's fine, I'm just interested as to why. And to back up pware's statement, yea that would easily be banned from the DLS, and I'm not even sure why someone would create a model with a symbol that's as demeaning, dark and disgusting as that one. Just curious.

Also to add - considering the post said...that...instead of just like...I dunno, a DRG locomotive? Suggests they may want something with that specific ensignia. I dunno why someone would want that, but who knows
If you want a WWII era German steam locomtoive there's one on (a Polish Trainz website) of a German BR 52 in wartime camoflouge patterns. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and you'll see "BR52 Kriegslok" and it has the offensive symbol on it, but it is historically accurate. - Zmieniamy sie na lepsze!