Is there more Than One Server For DLS ?


New member
I recently uploaded my New Route and Session Busch Garden Tampa Route and Busch Garden Tampa Session Setup to the DLS.

They were approved and I received an e-mail that they would be on the DLS in 6 hours.

That was August 11, 2010 at 4:06 pm.

They are still not showing up on the DLS.

When I go to my profile and view my content it shows them there. It even shows that they are already being downloaded.

I have all the Boxes ticked and all my other content that I uploaded the day before is showing up there but no route or session.

I am from the USA.

Is there a different Server here that we download from?

I now use TS 2010 EE. (Stand Alone) That is what the route and session were created with.

When I load TS 2009 (Stand alone ) content manager it lists them as being on the DLS available to download.

Thanks for any help here.


Your note has touched on something I've been concerned about. I'm running TS2010 SP2 and it would appear that I'm not able to get at some of the recent uploads either. Is it an SP3 thing or something to do with a 'build number' which is apparently attached to each new layout/session/upload?

I haven't seen your route on my DLS and I'm also interested in looking at Phil Skene's latest, IntenCity, which has not yet shown up on my DLS, although apparently it is available for download for some people.

Could someone please explain what is going on here. I thought that you should be able to see everything on the DLS and then be able to choose for yourself whether you wanted to download it and try and run it on your version. Have I got this wrong?

If it's an Auran bug, could they sort it out soon, please.


I've always found that a new asset (route or content) is available from the Download station (link at the top of the forum) a day or more ahead of it being available in the Content Manager.

If you use FTP for downloading, you can see the following sequence:-

1) Asset uploaded

2) After approval goes into a FTP location

3) Available on DLS (Web page)

4) Available in CM

I'd guess that there's an automated indexing process carried out - the simplest and quickest is the availability by FP, then the Auran Web page.

After that, the asset is indexed for Content Manager - your Content manager then has to contact the DLS and update its listing of what's available... then it appears on the desktop...


OK this one is weird, they are listed in CMP (09 sp2) but not on the DLS ????

looks like you need to inform people to get them via CMP.

Cheers David

Edit, Phil Skene's IntenCity, is showing in my CMP but not on the DLS as well :)
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Message at top of this forum may explain the problem. Some equipment has been turned off since August 11.

I had a look on the DLS within my version of the CM and your route and session(s) shows up. However, I noticed that the build number is 3.3 and from what I've read in an IntenCity thread in the Freeware Announcements forum, that means that you need to be running TS2010 SP3 to be able to run these assets or even see them on the DLS.

I hadn't planned to upgrade to SP3 for another week or two but may now consider doing it earlier.

The silly thing is, I expect you and others developed and tested these 2010 routes in SP2 or earlier and therefore there should be no reason why they are confined to SP3. I assume Auran has made that decision for you.

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After reading your reply I have discovered a few things.

If you have both 2009 and 2010 installed on your computer you can access the route by way of CMP. Goes by what your registered serial numbers are.

The DLS direct access does not allow version 3.3 to be visible yet.

However the route will not work in 2009 (Will not recognize the Map). I do not have sp4 to test it for that. Will see if I can find it.

2009 is 3.0 2010EE is 3.2 2010 EE sp3 is 3.3

Hope they get this straightened out soon (tm) VBG

Hi Paul --

I have two PCs - one with TS2010 + SP3, the other with TS2010 + SP2.

On the SP3 machine CM refuses to find my IntenCity route.

The SP2 PC will, but it refuses to show in Surveyor/Driver because it refuses to recognize trainz-build 3.3.

Frustrating to say the least.

If you do want the route and five sessions, see my Post # 24 here:

It is possible that if you edit the config.txt to give a lower build they might work with SP2.

Cheers Phil,

What you see on your SP2 PC is exactly what I'm getting. I'll try your suggestion of editing the build number in the config file and see what happens.

For Phil's IntenCity route and sessions I changed the build number from 3.3 to 3.2 in the config.txt file and everything appears to be running fine.

Dave, I assume the same solution will work for for your route and session. As I don't have an FCT it will take me a while to download it. For anyone running TR2010 SP2 who would like to run your route, they need to try the following:
1)Open the CMP and look for your route and session in the Download Station
2)Move them over to the Download Helper and download them
3)Once they are installed, change the build number in the config.txt file for both the route and the session. Don't foget to 'Commit' them afterwards
4)Once you've downloaded all the dependent assets from the DLS, they should run ok

There may be another way (possibly better) to do this, but it works for me. Of course, this will only work for routes that have been developed to SP2 standards and therefore will not always work in the future, as people work to SP3 (and higher) standards.

Thanks for the feedback

Paul, thanks for the feedback. It's always reassuring to know that what works on my computer will also work for somebody else.
