In need of assistance


Retired Train Driver
On one of the routes i am using lately, I have some annoying messages that keep showing in the radio message window.

They are:

Main Junction Name=
Main Junction Direction=
Signal State=

Can anyone point me in the right direction to stop them showing.

It only happens on one route, none of the others do it.

Hopefully someone knows what is causing it and can help me out.

Hi DeRiCo,

When you load the map go to edit session and scroll down to see if there is a command there about showing signal names and states. If there is just delete it.

G'day Bill69,

nope, no such commands showing.

I'm only using a few standard commands that I use on all routes.

OK, I have checked commands and rules.

I am using the following in 06-3092:

Startup Options
Driver Setup
Driver Command
Consist Car Count
Display Custom HUD

Commands in use:
Drive To
Drive To Trackmark
Drive Via Trackmark
Run Around
Wait For

I use these same ones in most routes and no other route show the aforementioned messages.

Hi DeRiCo,

Your messages are very like the messages you get with one of the custom HUDs. Is your custom HUD showing as it should?

Yes bill69, it shows identically the same as the other routes that do not have this problem.

I'll try disabling the HUD and see if that affects it.

Do these routes include any scripted signals, such as Natvander's colour light and semaphore signals? Especially junction signals. I think they show this message when they aren't configured with a junction or something.
Hi Zec,

Yes Nat's signals are in use. I have them all set for turnouts.

There is only one junction causing the problem though.

I tried deleting the junction and relaying it then setting the signal for it.

Still no better. Still get the messages from any train that approaches that junction.

I'll try using a different signal next and see if that fixes it.

I think it will be one of Nat's scripted signals. I use Interface.Print when debugging the script and usually remove the lines when finished. Obviously one has slipped through.
Actually just having a quick look, all the 6 aspect diverge signals will do it.

If you can identify which signal that's doing it on your layout, you can either have a go at editing the script by deleting the 3 lines starting with Interface.Print.... or place 2 slashes in front of them to rem them out, then save.
 void SetAspect(void)
          bool allset = true;
          int i,Jdir;
          int SigState = me.GetSignalStateEx();

           int MainJunct = JM.GetDirection();
              Interface.Print("Signal State = " + SigState);
              Interface.Print("Main Junction Direction = "+ MainJunct);
              Interface.Print("Main Junction Name = "+ JM.GetName());
           if (MainJunct == DIRECTION_RIGHT)
or drop me a line and I'll send you an updated script.

Nat will have to arrange a more permanent fix.

That's about all I can do for eye's are not good enough anymore.:(

Howdy David.

Yep that's what I have figured out too.

I have replaced them with the 3asp ones at the moment.

Happy now that it's been found, and a fix is possible.

Thanks all.
