How to start a route without a texture already laid out, just bare grid??


QR Clyde/GMs
Yes as the title suggests I'm very old school in that I prefer a bare grid when starting a new route, is there an option to do this??
Just use a region that has Grid in the title. There are a couple of built-in ones and many others on the DLS. Pware has some good ones for Australia. Once you choose a different region it becomes the default when you open Surveyor.
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If you use my 'WeddinNSW Region - with Holdenz' you will see your Holden vehicles driving on any traffic enabled roads !
Yes, I think you just do a bulk texture replacement for the old grid texture.
That will work, but that would be a task as more baseboards are added.

There are two ways to do this.
1) Use a region with the grid as a default instead of the grass

2) Select the grid in the texture palette, then set the size to smallest with the orientation up.

Paint away, or select the baseboard area and fill. This is sometimes a lot faster by the way.