Hand Held Controller


New member

Has anyone built a hand held controller to operate your train in DCC Mode (something like the Digitrax Throttle)?

I’ve been driving the trains using the DCC functions and trying to identify which commands I use the most. The idea is to incorporate as many of the commands on the hand held controller device as possible without having too many.

For the DCC users, what other commands would you see as essential on a such a device?

Accelerate – X
Decelerate – W
Stop – S
Handbrake – A

Internal View – 1
External View – 2
Tracking View – 3
Roaming View – 4

Turnout Toggle – J

Well.... Maybe

Maybe you should ask Andrev as I saw him use a game controler to control Trs-2006, He could maybe tell you how as It runs very well, from what I witnessed. Maybe he could explain it here for all of us, it would beat using the keyboard...
Has anyone built a hand held controller to operate your train in DCC Mode (something like the Digitrax Throttle)?

No need to build one. I've been using a Saitek P990 game pad for quite a while now. With the dual analog controls I can also control the pan and zoom of the cameras. With ten programable buttons (six can be shifted for additional commands) there are probably more than you will need.
No need to build one. I've been using a Saitek P990 game pad for quite a while now. With the dual analog controls I can also control the pan and zoom of the cameras. With ten programable buttons (six can be shifted for additional commands) there are probably more than you will need.

Belkin also makes a nice game pad, I used one extensively until I purchased a RailDriver controller.
I think I would add:
Rear turnout joggle - control/j
(assuming you can add a two key function):)
horn - h
lights - l

So adding to jean-marc's list, that would be 12 functions ideally. For me, anyway.