Fourth Of July Sale

I guess I didn't get the memo..
What Sale?
I was just over at the PW section and didn't see any sale.
Hi Everyone,

The sale does not include First Class Tickets.

Internally, First Class Tickets have become their own product line. They are a service that is offered to supplement the communities use of Trainz, and this is why they're not included in the sale. After reviewing the way FCT's are positioned to the public, I can see that there would be a fair deal of confusion with saying 'everything Trainz' and FCT's not being included.

The reason why FCT's are considered their own product now, is because it's a service that we think the community really values and enjoys, and we want to be committed to improving and re-investing in it. Coming soon, we'll be making changes to how the FCT system works, we'll be introducing new and cheaper options, and we're going to look at stability, reliability and speeds.

So i'd like to apologize for any confusion, and there will be a proper announcement about the FCT system in the future.
Yeah, the sale must have ended at 12 midnight Australian Time. Which is ridiculous because it's still July 4th in the US, the country that celebrates on that day.
Yeah, the sale must have ended at 12 midnight Australian Time. Which is ridiculous because it's still July 4th in the US, the country that celebrates on that day.

I was logged on last night and didn't see any posting and didn't see any posting on What's New.

I want someone to SHOW me the @%*&# post .
Yeah, the sale must have ended at 12 midnight Australian Time. Which is ridiculous because it's still July 4th in the US, the country that celebrates on that day.

Well, there you go, easy come, easy go. And with that, no FCT sale. LOL :hehe:
It must have a secret suprise sale ... I missed the fireworks !

I bought alot during tge 75% off sale months ago ... I hope the do that sale again !
There is a FCT sale at Simulator Central 20% off !

As well as some other good buys ... I bought alot when they had a 75% off sale months ago !

I have one unactivated FCT ... is it possible to have 2 or more unactivated FCT's stockpiled for storage, and later use ?
How long does an unactivated FCT last ... does it expire ?
I am bulding track like mad ... no time to download ... so I kept my FCT unactivated.
I also noticed that the TS12 Collectors Edidion is still available, as it was posted that it was sold out (who won the Willy Wonka Chocolate Bar - Golden Ticket) ?
My question is: Can you stockpile 2 or more "Unactivated FCT's ... for later activation, months down the road ?

And if it is suposedly "sold out" ... why is the "Trainz 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition" still advertised: for sale ?
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Good Morning All
The FCT sale finishes on the 19th of July.

You can 'stockpile' as many FCT's as you wish in your account, as the expiration date of a FCT is only set when you activate the ticket.
