env_metal problem


i just cant fix the whole
Error: Texture 'asset_body/env_metal.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'asset_body\asset_body.im'.
i did everything i can but still nope
What is "everything i can"
If it is really missing do a Trainz folder search for env_metal.tga I bet you will find hundreds. then just copy past to folder missing the texture.

No reason to know kuid except to paste the missing texture in folder.
What is "everything i can"
If it is really missing do a Trainz folder search for env_metal.tga I bet you will find hundreds. then just copy past to folder missing the texture.

No reason to know kuid except to paste the missing texture in folder.
i tried to change the env_metal but that didnt work then i did the strip texture one that people subjested to me still nope im just so close to just deleting the kuids that need them
Just do as xcrossi says. Open assets for edit in explorer, click once on your Trainz install folder and search for env_metal1.tga. It will find many. R-click on any of them, select "open location", copy that and the env_metal1.texture.txt file to a known location (I have a folder set up called Trainz Bits on my C:\ root just for this purpose). Then, copy both of these files into the each asset in turn. To do this, open each asset in turn, copy the files over (into the right folder if called for, other wise into the parent folder of the asset). Close the asset, move on to next. When you're done, select them all, R-click, Edit, Commit. That should sort you out.

Hope this helps. Regards,

I found the loco.
I can't fix it
I have a weird idea..
1st what kind of UK engine is it.
Take the leading and trailing bogeys off the real trainz and edit loco cfg.
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If you have the texture installed and it still doesn't work, you need PEV's PM2IM to fix the texture. The reason is the texture has been placed in the 'wrong slot' and is not recognized as being there by Trainz. PM2IM will fix the problem.

I too once had a large Trainz bits folder where I had all kinds of common textures such as this one, black.tga, etc., that I could grab easily and copy to where it was needed.

If you have the texture installed and it still doesn't work, you need PEV's PM2IM to fix the texture. The reason is the texture has been placed in the 'wrong slot' and is not recognized as being there by Trainz. PM2IM will fix the problem.

I too once had a large Trainz bits folder where I had all kinds of common textures such as this one, black.tga, etc., that I could grab easily and copy to where it was needed.


I ran the texture through PM2Im twice.
Error still has a double "Error: Texture 'asset_body/env_metal.texture"
"Error: Texture 'asset_body/env_metal.texture"

Edited the txt file...no joy
Download it yourself and see if you can fix.
It's possibly an illegal combination of textures for the material type used (like m.onetex material, using diffuse and reflection slot). This kind of error isn't handled by PM2IM.
