Enhanced TRC3 IT paths gone with transfer?


Active member
I recently transferred from TANE SP4 to 2019. Initially I had some paths showing error (in red) on my EIT's which I expected as I've done a bit of re-signalling and additions after the transfer. When I tried to click the start signal listed in any path (which in TANE would focus the view on the signal) nothing would happen. I figured this may be a 2019 bug because when I'm configuring scripted signals I can normally click on signals and junctions to add them to the script. Since updating it does nothing and I have to manually type the signal/junction name. Anyway, I figured I would update to the latest version of EIT, MCM ect. When I click on my EIT's all I get is message "Error:propertyBrowserRefresh() not handled. A script error occurred while attempting to edit the properties of this asset." Did I lose all my paths or is there a way to fix the issue? When I place a new EIT it appears to function normally.
When I tried to click the start signal listed in any path (which in TANE would focus the view on the signal) nothing would happen. I figured this may be a 2019 bug because when I'm configuring scripted signals I can normally click on signals and junctions to add them to the script. Since updating it does nothing and I have to manually type the signal/junction name.

I think that that particular feature (click and jump) has been removed. It is the same on my TRS19 Platinum. I must admit that I found it to be annoying because it meant that you lost the point of focus (the EIT) and had to use the mouse to move back again. So if its absence is intentional then I am not sorry to see it go.
At some point in the past, I also had to replace the EIT's because of the error problem. I have not had the problem since they were replaced and set up.
I can't speak for TRS 19, but in TANE, if an EIT path is showing in red, you can no longer edit it. You shouldn't have to replace the entire EIT, but you will need to delete and then reconfigure each of the 'red' paths. A red path is typically due to a missing signal / junction (e.g. due to renaming).

If the path is displayed in yellow / orange, then you can normally go in and edit it (typically where a signal / junction has been added).


I have had many problems with EIT paths in sessions after I installed Platinum SP3. It became so bad that I don't bother with trying to move sessions any more and just write a new version from scratch in SP3. The new version works just fine in SP3 but its frustrating to waste so much time rewriting perfectly good SP2 sessions for SP3. It became so bad that I now spend much less time with Trainz now.

