Drunken woman falls on Boston subway tracks!


Long time train lover
This is happening way to much!
A drunken woman after smoking a cigarette (not allowed) falls on the subway tracks in Boston just as a train is aproching and panicked onlookers flag the driver down and stops just in time.:confused:
Video here.
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Just goes to prove: "Just don't Schmoke" ! Especially when drunkingly falling in front of trainz.

Avoided becoming hamburger, avoided several thousand volt third rail, tisk, tisk...now her police record will show: blatent regular lawbreaker: "Smoking on the subway" !
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While it was her fault for being way too close to the edge of the platform shouldn't the transit authority consider making some simple station modifications to keep oncoming passengers away from the platform's edge?

They could take a page from the amusement industry & put what are known as air gates(operated by pnuematic pressure) along the platform edge to keep people away from the track area until it is safe to board,then again it may prove more complicated to manage passenger flow as some subway terminals don't have separate load & unload sides on their platforms unlike most,if not all rollercoasters found in amusement parks.
She is extremely lucky!!! Had it not been a Rapid Transit Car, she would have been killed!! They brake far better then anything else on the rails

Modyfing stations to prevent this is not practical. Subway station design is at where it will be for a long time. Putting up safety barriers is very very expensive, not to mention just more things to go wrong (barriers not going down).

The motorwomen deserves to be honored, that was some seriously quick reaction time. she hit the brakes in the span of about 50 feet to stop from cruising speed.

If your going to get drunk, make sure you have a safe way home....clearly subways are not that safe......But its better then driving.

Still, I simply can't believe that train stopped in time.....She stopped in less then 50 feet, a second's hesitation and that women would be dead
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good job engineer. the thing that gets me though about the video is the fact the man on the platform tried to slow the train down hahahaha. just watch him, how did he know the driver even saw him flag her down anyway? was he gonna get creamed too? ah well, glad she lived to see another drink

It makes a railfan like me angry when people are so stupid that they ignore rules. At least the engineer stopped in time. I give him an A+++++ for that. She should be forced to clean subways as a punishment for her own stupidity.
They could take a page from the amusement industry & put what are known as air gates(operated by pnuematic pressure) along the platform edge to keep people away from the track area until it is safe to board

Not an easy task or cost efective. In our own subway here we have two types of trains and the door spacing is different on both. Also this would require the driver to stop the trains in just the right spot in order to line the doors up with the openings.
We had several people over the years who ignor the platform "Do Not Stand" strip and have gotten hit by the mirror that the driver uses to see passengers loading and unloading. Our new SD 160's dont have these mirrors anymore they use video cameras instead.
While it was her fault for being way too close to the edge of the platform shouldn't the transit authority consider making some simple station modifications to keep oncoming passengers away from the platform's edge?

They could take a page from the amusement industry & put what are known as air gates(operated by pnuematic pressure) along the platform edge to keep people away from the track area until it is safe to board,then again it may prove more complicated to manage passenger flow as some subway terminals don't have separate load & unload sides on their platforms unlike most,if not all rollercoasters found in amusement parks.

i dont think so. this woman should go to jail for a long time. it is her own fault for being brainless and while it would have been tragic if she died it would not change any of that. she was really dumb a deserves a harsh punishment for putting her and other people's life in danger. people need to grow up and take responsibility. its nobody's problem but her own.
My question is why not have a emergency button(like gas stations) that could be hit to let a driver know an emergency at the station exists stop now..or at least sends a signal to the TA center and they can tell them.Like fire alarms if you push it and their is no emergency you get the same penalty.


She was drunk, yeah, smoking is against the rules, but that was not the cause of this problem.
Also, the driver stopped just in time, I thought Subways has a third rail, wouldn't that have fried her anyway?

Just a few thoughts,

She was drunk, yeah, smoking is against the rules, but that was not the cause of this problem.
Also, the driver stopped just in time, I thought Subways has a third rail, wouldn't that have fried her anyway?

Just a few thoughts,

well,whatever the cause was,lets just say that was a close one and there was a happy ending to a scary incident that could have gotten much worse if the brakes were not applied in time!:cool:

She was drunk, yeah, smoking is against the rules, but that was not the cause of this problem.
Also, the driver stopped just in time, I thought Subways has a third rail, wouldn't that have fried her anyway?

Just a few thoughts,

She was just lucky enough to land away from the third rail I suppose,I don't know if a system for e-stopping the trains would be practical....someone on the platform(ie: a witness to the person falling) would have to alert central dispatch,who in turn would have to alert the driver to halt their consist before approaching the station.