Driver Setup


Active member
Is it possible to have 2 or 3 or 4 different Driver Setups in Edit Session so you can put Trains in 1 and ships in another and others for planes and cars ?? instead of having them all in one Driver setup mixed up???
Yes you can. Multiple copies of the Driver Setup rule can happily co-exist in the Session Rules. The only restriction is that locos cannot be duplicated across the different copies of the rule. But you can have drivers with the same names.
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I do that quite successfully for some time now. My question is, would that help when you have 80 locos? I found that when you have too many under one driver set up folder, things go a little out of nonsense. But if you divide them into 2 or 3, I found that it runs better or normally (something related to the timeout issue, so certain things on the program don't have to run through a long list of locos. Maybe is my perception, but dividing locos and consists into subfolders makes more sense, if anything for the sake of having a neat file and folders layout.
There was a bug in TANE (and possibly earlier version) that if you had "too many" (a vague term) locos in the Driver Setup rule it would fail due to "timeout errors". The workaround was to split the drivers between two separate copies of the rule with the second copy positioned as a "child" of a Wait rule which was set for 1 second. This gave Trainz enough time to process all the drivers in the first Driver Setup rule before starting on the second Driver Setup rule.

This bug was reported as fixed in TRS19 SP1 - I am not aware if anyone has reported any problems with a "large number" of drivers in the one Driver Setup rule in TRS19 since.

I do not know if it has also been fixed in TANE SP4.
There was a bug in TANE (and possibly earlier version) that if you had "too many" (a vague term) locos in the Driver Setup rule it would fail due to "timeout errors". The workaround was to split the drivers between two separate copies of the rule with the second copy positioned as a "child" of a Wait rule which was set for 1 second. This gave Trainz enough time to process all the drivers in the first Driver Setup rule before starting on the second Driver Setup rule.

This bug was reported as fixed in TRS19 SP1 - I am not aware if anyone has reported any problems with a "large number" of drivers in the one Driver Setup rule in TRS19 since.

I do not know if it has also been fixed in TANE SP4.

I'm not sure either if it's a problem in TRS19 because I haven't gotten my Yuge route operating yet. The use of the child-rule and multiple driver setups is documented in the Wiki.