Download Speed - TERRIBLE!


Well-known member
I was loading stuff from the DLS. One was an engine. The download was very slow. There was a counter showing KB/sec. That started at high numbers and is now at 20KB/Sec!!! The counter appears to really be a "to be downloaded" counter despite its kb/sec description.

The action is described as "Searching asset 'Jointed Rail Train effects Library".

First - the counter cannot be showing KB/Sec. It is a countdown with the declining number.

Failing performance. The counter has now slowed even more.
Regardless, my First Class status is a JOKE!!
While typing, the counter slowed even more! now at 19.3 KB/sec.

It is not due to my internet speed. I opened a TV window and watched the news with NO change in the count rate. The TV window performed without stutter. 4 processors in the CPU running at 24% thru 35%. Now down to 17.33kb/sec! 16.93kb/sec
Time to kill it.:eek:
You need to remember that iirc N3V's servers where the DLS is hosted on is way down under in Australia. Your intenet data packets need to be transported through a dozen gateways to get all the way from your residence to them and back again. During this journey errors can occur (aka packet loss) and the computer needs to ask again for a clean copy of that packet. I do know some basics as to how the internet functions. It is why some sites with downloads will ask you for a server region since if you connect to the server closest to you geographically you get faster speeds since those data packets don't have to travel as far.
Server location should not matter unless there is a major bottleneck somewhere. Dick, do you have a permanent FCT, or could it be that it is one that expires?
Last week it was still valid (FCT).

I regularly tune into LIVE Australian TV news. I have NEVER had such poor performance. The only distance factor is the transit time on the underseas cable USA to/from Australia. I am assume that this episode was from the server farm in Texas. Regardless the transit time on the cable and then through the various commercial points in its travel does not show-up on the news feeds from ABC (Australia). That feed is a really low budget operation that uses a frame based high speed burst protocol frame-by-frame with OVERALL time restrictions to make it affordable $7.00/month. There are some mess-ups reassembling the frames & that places the feed up to 2 minutes behind real-time. Plus if I was routing the comms feed I would take it to the USA via japan to pick up some cable revenue there.

The same service also gives me BBC and Al-Jazeera, Sometime they miss some frames and stall during recovery. But it is cheap and its TV performance meets my network objectives..
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I always thought the server is in the USA

It is. They are now hosted by Cloudflare.

I just did a traceroute. There's a bunch of dead hops, so something's up. Pings get there, but they are kind of high. 40-45 ms.
Ok, that looks like a good reason. I haven't done a traceroute for at least 25 years. Never thought of it. Tony should find the duration of the deaf hops and get a refund.
It is. They are now hosted by Cloudflare.

I just did a traceroute. There's a bunch of dead hops, so something's up. Pings get there, but they are kind of high. 40-45 ms.

Ping is 78ms here compared with 12 for

No dead hops on Tracert, just taking longer than I would normally expect.

Not impressed by cloudflare and there attempts to take over DNS and such.

Odd things going on Internet wise though, for weeks I've been getting a load of Russian spam that goes straight to the gmail bin due to my filters. I've blocked .ru and a load of other annoying addresses, so it goes straight to the bin bypassing spam and inbox, I do check it though to see what's going in there and there has been zero Russian Spam for two weeks now, and hardly any from anywhere else which is definitely unusual.
I was loading stuff from the DLS. One was an engine. The download was very slow. There was a counter showing KB/sec. That started at high numbers and is now at 20KB/Sec!!! The counter appears to really be a "to be downloaded" counter despite its kb/sec description.

I WISH I had 20 KB a second. I downloaded something last night and it went from 9kb's down to 3kb's. It took hours before finally finishing.
Ping is 78ms here compared with 12 for

No dead hops on Tracert, just taking longer than I would normally expect.

Not impressed by cloudflare and there attempts to take over DNS and such.

Odd things going on Internet wise though, for weeks I've been getting a load of Russian spam that goes straight to the gmail bin due to my filters. I've blocked .ru and a load of other annoying addresses, so it goes straight to the bin bypassing spam and inbox, I do check it though to see what's going in there and there has been zero Russian Spam for two weeks now, and hardly any from anywhere else which is definitely unusual.

I haven't seen much Spam either, but I just swapped email hosts. The lack of Russian Spam makes sense because their internet has been locked down by their government.

I'm not crazy about Cloudflare either for the same reasons. They're also a pain to work with which I found out while setting up some services for a friend of mine.

I just ran tracerout (Windows 11) and while the pings are better now there's still a bunch of broken hops.