DO AI Trains need a trigger to run?


RR Mod Maker
I am trying to make some sessions that use the player train as an AI train that runs from statino to station and lets the player just ride along.

i added all of the right icons to the driver command queue but according to my tester the train wont start.

do i need to add that one icon rule called AI Train? put it at the start of the queue?

my tester said the trains run ok but to get them to start he has to:

Session 5
I had to select "Continue Schedule" to get running

Session 6
I had to select Drive Schedule to drive.

i started with WAIt for 20 seconds to give all of the consists etc a chance to activate, and then used LOAD, and then Navigate to track mark (for the next station) and then LOAD again, WAiIT for 1 mintue, Hornz and then navigate to next trackmark (station) etc. and a stop train at the end.

i thought a simple order like that should work? I guess if the train runs the camera stays fixed also so maybe i need to attend to that too. We have cinematic cameras placed along the route but i thought that was an optional i need to give the AI train some sort of rule to deal with them?

thanks for tips on this, getting closer

i was not sure if i needed to use a trigger to direct the Drive to... to or a track marker...but thought the track marker for the station should work. the stations are automatic platforms. I tried to use the Navigate to command but it would not call up my track markers maybe it needs a trigger to link to?

any tips on this much appreciated. i am very close to haveing working sessions

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Just wondering,.. Are you in Surveyor mode, or in Driver mode ?

In Surveyor mode, you set out the driver commands and rules.

Then in Driver mode, if you've set the commands correctly, the AI Driver takes over.

Cameras placed alongside the track only display if you are in Driver mode and using Trackside View.

"Navigate to" works on named stations and industries
"Drive to Trackmark" and "Drive Via Trackmark" work on trackmarks

It doesn't need a 'Trigger' to start your train.

You may find some good information here,...


Hi Roy thanks for the reply.mine sessions are close but are not alive yet :0

yes i know well the differnce between Surveyor and Driver. This is my first attempt at making an "automatic" sessions that the train basically drives itself and you can ride along. I followed the template of a session i found for a nice route from the UK, Great Northern, and that train ran from station to station with the Navigate to, (tho it has an odd icon so maybe it was a custom one, had the brit rail logo instead of the default one in the Surveyor for the built in rule)...and then a LOAD for the stations and a wait and then a horn i used that and hopefully it will work but i need the train to start up or it just sits there at the depot i think, that is what the tester reported. he had to use "complete Schedule" i am not even sure there that is.

so i am hoping there is a schedule rule i forgot or maybe that Red Icon AI Trains rule i see in the rule list of avialbel rules to insert. At least i finally figured out HOW to add Driver comands to each train. I am not venturing into AI other trains until i can get the driver train to behave.

thanks for the link i will check it out

oh sorry i do NOT use Twitch, Twitter, facejunk or any of the other online gossip channels but thanks, i will keep trying to figure this out on my own.

i am very close.

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As Ken says, the TwitchTV channel is all about learning everything you want to know about Trainz. It's a direct link to over 30 short videos and it's FREE !

Knowledge can put you miles ahead after just a few videos.

Sometimes, AI Drivers may just sit there, but there is usually a good reason.

Possibly there could be a break in a track spline, so the driver cannot see past the break. Or, maybe a trackmark may not be placed correctly on the track and the AI Driver can't read it. There are lots of other reasons but, I don't have time to write a novel.

Good luck.

Is there a link to get to TANE stuff? All I see are children's games and babble videos????
Thanks, Dick
hi guys
thanks for the sugesiotns i will try out some to see if what commands may help complete an AI train to run as the player train. for now i just inserted some instructinos to the session start to tell people what to do. the train runs fine once it gets going.

t thank for the posts.

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Looks like a switch was set wrong and was blocking the connection to the destination station,. I think it may work now.

A faulty or missing switch can cause the problem.
Tell the unit to 'Continue Schedule' and watch for a message.