Comp Down


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This morning isnt going well at all.

First my good comp was booting slow. I thought that I should restart it. That should fix it. I was wrong. It reverted its self back the factory settings. Lost all my music and documents. Everything on the desktop.

I investigated further and to my suprise, TS2010 still had its files on the hard drive! So now I'm copying the Userdata folder and hoping for the best.

This problem with the comp is not all that new.

I tried installing a new graphics card back in January. The drivers got messed up and a trip to the local repair shop got the card installed properly.

The second time was then I was running an EDR. This was taking a while so I decided to play another game. The problem was that TS2010 was doing its EDR on the same screen where the other game was playing. 2010 finished and started uo in the middle of the game, causing the comp to freeze and crash. Since then, the comp would Blue Screen and freeze. I could barley do anything and today the worst has happen. :(

Have no fear! A backup laptop and computer will keep me goin. I just hope the Userdata folder isnt corrupt...

I'm trying to contact the OEM for a new HD. this comp is only 5 months old and so far the Tech Support is willing to help replace the HD.

The message that I'm trying to say here is this:


So yeah.

Not a pleasent start to a Wednesday morning.
Hey Thad; I feel your pain! My computer has been in the shop for about a month now, waiting for new hard drives to show up. The guys here warned me that I was going to be in big trouble soon, so I took her to the shop before things got any worse. I'm hoping they can recover all data from the old HDs, but I have 2 and in some cases 3 back ups of trainz related stuff. I only use that computer for trainz, so nothing else to really worry about. I even copied all of TS12 to an external HD. I sure hope, I will be able to continue building my route with as little fuss as possible. Man, I just found out I will be receiving a $2900 tax refund. I feel like saying, "Forget the hard drives, give me one of those fancy gaming rigs!" With my luck, the moment I bought the new rig, something else would break down. The wife would kill me, even if the money was not needed elsewhere. Boy, I sure wish they would get a move on. I'm over the worst of the trainz withdrawal symptoms. I'm almost afraid to get back into it!

Well Rick,

Came home from work only to find it forzen. now it wont boot. I just hope that I did not mess up the Ext. HD. I guess I will call up the OEM tomorrow and try to sort this out.

I only had this thing since last October! Actually, it arrived in early November.

I just hope some form of warranty will help cover this.

Frustrating ain't it?
Hi Thad; I'm a sucker when it comes to buying extended warranties. However, it's really paid off with computers. During my short time with computers, I received 2 new computers because they could not fix the original machines. There was a clause that said if they could not fix it in 30 days, you got a new one. I got newer and better models and paid nothing, except the difference on a new extended warranty. Bless the repair boys at that shop, they can't seem to fix anything!
Sadly (in a way), the one in the shop now has outlived the extended warranty. If it had not, just about this time (30 days has passed) I'd be skipping off to the shop to pick out a shiny new rig!

Hope it all goes well for you, cheers.........Rick

P.S. This time I'm really hoping they CAN fix my rig. Jeez, all they have to do is replace the HDs. I'd really hate to have to spend my tax return on a screaming gamer! OK, that's a lie, and the severe beatings would be worth it!

Well, as soon as I get this all tended to, I'm going to be investing more time in other hobbies that I've been neglecting. I've come to the relization of the attachment to a computing device. Sad ain't it? Its the 21st century. Most of us here are attached to some form of electronic. Just my observation.

I do hope your situation works out to the best Rick. It sucks to see so much time, effort and money put into something only to see it yeild nothing but grief and trouble.

Wishin' for the best