CMP letter to Auran


New member
Dear Auran,

Most of us are excited about the upcoming TS2009. However, I don't think the new surveyor features, etc, should be your focus. I think that you should focus on improving CMP and fixing game problems with a service pack. Yesterday, I created a paintshed skin as a Thomas the tank engine character. The title was Kennedy #2352. The skin was okay at first. Adding a description to it in CCP mentioning that she was originally named "Britney" didn't make a problem. However, after checking one last time to make sure I used the correct face texture, CMP froze! :eek: I restarted CMP, and that's when the problem arose. I wanted to save the skin (an SD40-2) to CDP, and now what happens? CMP shuts down right after clicking on the asset. No shutting down message, nothing. Why would this be happening? Is it because the description contains the tag --- "Britney"? Is it because CMP froze? Is it because I edited in CCP? I mean come on! Surely that isn't a so-called "overload", is it? (Oh, btw, the game crashes whenever I scroll down to the asset, but I don't get a fatal error.)

The point of this thread---make CMP (and perhaps the game) more stable. I want it to handle this "overload" and let me use any skin I create!

Here's the link to the thread for those who would wish to help out:---

Please, Auran, just please DO NOT RUSH TO SHIP OUT TS2009. I'd pay more for it and wait even 3 years for '09 if it means the issue will be fixed.

Thank you.



Never, ever, use the word 'Britney' in a config file. The programmer obviously hates Britney Spears.

Hi Freightcar. We're listening to you and much of the work for 2009 has been focussed on CMP. We've improved stability, searching, filtering, downloading, error checking, and database repair. You can work offline or online, drag and drop CDPs or folders to add new content and 3rd party tools are also supported. You will find it is a totally different program!

In fact, whilst it looks pretty much the same on the outside, it is so different behind the scenes we were thinking of renaming it :)

Hi Freightcar. We're listening to you and much of the work for 2009 has been focussed on CMP. We've improved stability, searching, filtering, downloading, error checking, and database repair. You can work offline or online, drag and drop CDPs or folders to add new content and 3rd party tools are also supported. You will find it is a totally different program!

In fact, whilst it looks pretty much the same on the outside, it is so different behind the scenes we were thinking of renaming it :)


By reading this post, would I be correct to assume that these names won't be an issue in the '09 game?

@Mike10: I don't know. I don't use CCP much. Where can I find that info?
Would also one be able to tell me how to edit the config file? CMP crashes whenever I click the asset, and in surveyor, I can't access the K loco/rollin' stock asset database.
Hi Freightcar. We're listening to you and much of the work for 2009 has been focussed on CMP. We've improved stability, searching, filtering, downloading, error checking, and database repair. You can work offline or online, drag and drop CDPs or folders to add new content and 3rd party tools are also supported. You will find it is a totally different program!

In fact, whilst it looks pretty much the same on the outside, it is so different behind the scenes we were thinking of renaming it :)


Very good Tony...

The big question is whether the 'pop starlet' issues are resolved though.. That's the important question.


Tony, do you mean renaming the game or the CMP? If CMP, how about "Problem free extra special Content Manager Plus Plus Plus"? :hehe: :p

And while I wait for the '09 fix, how do I fix this bug so I can access the "K" train database? :confused:
Well, if clicking on it to open for edit doesn't work and crashes cmp........
then you will have to manually go through your local folder until you find the correct one and edit it from there.
Thanks meridious...wish me luck...this ain't gonna be easy...:eek:

Can this be done after adding the description in CCP? I looked through the config file and the description was "paintshed skin"

And I can't edit it through CMP either. :'(

We're doomed!!!!
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