Canadien National (How they Spell it in Canada) of British Columbia (Freelanced)

Hallo all,
recently I have started a New Route based off Canadien (Canadian) National's lines in British Columbia. The route is Mostly Freelanced at the moment, I have slightly copied a small section of the CN's line at Terrace, BC which is now called Spire, BC. For the moment I only have a small section of the layout done. Anyhow I will be showing Pics here.
Today We follow a CN train from the South East (Q-Lau-TBD :p)







So far I have about a 4 mile radious of scenery completed and and an undetermined length of track.
Tell Me what you think?
A better start than usual compared to most new route announcements I have seen. What is that in the lower right hand corner of the third shot? A road? A River?
"Canadien" is the french language version of Canadian. Due to the fact that there are two official languages in Canada, English & French.
Canadian National Railways is headquartered in the city of Montreal which is in the province ( for now ) of Quebec.

Companies that serve all of Canada must do so in both languages, hence that is why you see some rolling stock with Canadien National on one side
and Canadian National on the other. Air Canada also must use both official languages, Air Canada is the same in both languages.
For some reason Canadian Pacific has never had Canadien Pacifique on any of it's rolling stock or locomotives because it was never owned
by the federal government as both CN and AC at one time were.

I see you're using YARNish roads. I've found these roads to be as realistic as it gets in Trainz. Of course, there may be ways to simulate more complicated intersections, various traffic patterns, and integrated stoppers. We just haven't stumbled upon them yet.

The scenery looks highly believable. The choice of ground textures is very convincing.
Thanks for all the kind comments!
Well today ive finished the track to the northeast to the portal.
So today we follow a CN intermodal downgrade to the interchange at Spire, BC



Passing the Detector





Well, That's it for now hope you enjoy the shots!
Another Update ;)

Recently ive been doing some work arround Tillam lake and town

I have been useing YR stream paint in the river & lake to simulate deeper areas. To show you what I mean:

What Ive done in total over the past days:
Cool !
I always wonder when someone will ceate shoals of fish to place in the shallows , wish I could do it, not near that stage yet.
@heyrey: Thanks Man!
@jjanmarine3: Thanks! Ive always wondered that myself. I think the first person to do that may be nekolai, he made flying birds:D.
@Adamovic: Thanks man!
So recently ive been working in and arround Tillam, BC, and ive figured I can take a break on the town for now and head further south to bear creek which will be 10 or so mile further (so far I 5 of those 10 miles of track laid.). Now what comes next is scenery along Kodiak Creek. Bear Creek, MT in the US of A isnt far away ;)! I do plan to reach Bear Creek today time permitting. After that I can work on the northern section. So now a not fully to the point picture of Tillam, BC which is now for the most part done:p.

I should have some pics of Kodiak Creek and the town of Bear Creek Later Tonight:p.
Lookin' good MTW! Really hope to use it soon!
BTW, any chance of including a town called Coal River there? (Technically not a town.( I've been there, at the real Coal River ))
Hi all,
Well I decided I would do other stuff for the rest of the afternoon yesterday so im working on it today.
@qassaquyangli: Thanks! well I dont have any room for another town between tillam and bear creek, but I will see what I can do.
So for the moment I dont have any shots I will come in later today with some.
Looking really good there Montanawestren.....I myself being from just the other side of the pond am now getting into the Canadian/Canadien and American Routes and Trains and really enjoying them....So would be nice to see and drive this route of yours in the future..

Thanks Brad!
SO im finnally at Bear Creek and ive finished the scenery along the length of Kodiak Creek
some shots:
Bear Creek, MT not much to look at......

preparing to cross the border into Canada





tell me what ya think?
You're doing well, but the PNG format is taking awhile to load your images, I wonder if you would consider a different format?