Buying addons from Amazon?


New member
It looks like Amazon has the Blue Comet for $5.00 and Settle & Carlisle for $7.50.
I was wondering if there would be any problems patching or with the DRM?
I'm not sure how they would enforce DRM for a add-on though?
Any help with this would be appreciated.

I don't see why there would be any problems. Just make sure that is is certified by trainz. Happy new year
I just bought it and installed it. Works good. Planet Auran accepted the serial number. Thanks for the tip. Have been wanting to buy the Blue Comet.
I don't see why there would be any problems. Just make sure that is is certified by trainz. Happy new year

Add-ons can still be DRMed. There is at least one Trainz payware service (World of Trainz) that does this with their payware stuff.
I see they have Murchison 2 for US$7.50, would snap it up but the downloads are only available to customers residing in the US. Unfortunately this seems to be the policy at and they are not prepared to sell games to overseas customers though will quite happily ship DVD's and Blu-Rays worldwide. Even more silly when you consider Trainz is an Australian developed game with a worldwide international customer base.

Assuming this sales channel has come about through N3V themselves could they consider extending it to other Amazon outlets around the world - or consider asking to relax their regional selling restrictions in this case.

Edit: I have fired off a note to Amazon challenging their software sales policy in this case. We are not talking about a console or other title which a publisher wishes to restrict to a certain territory but a global product. If the argument is about the discount, then US customers previously paid the same price as everyone else but now get a discount which is being denied to the other 9/10ths of the world (unless of course N3V are planning to drop the M2 pack price too...).
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Apparently, you have to install a downloader in order to get the software you purchased from Amazon. I haven't verified that this is technically spyware, but I can't fathom a valid reason to install a downloader *and not offer other options such as a direct download* other than for nefarious reasons. Creating randomized, one-time-use links is easy enough and is done by many download services; requiring login is also required by most services. Amazon essentially pioneered the attitude of "what's yours is ours" among online services with their Toysmart policy revisions, so I wouldn't even consider installing some addon furnished by them.

I also find it troubling that Auran/N3V allows consumers to be misled into thinking that this is equivalent to an Auran download. It is not since it requires the installation of a third-party installer, regardless of whether or not it is malware.
The reason could be because of customs issues and Amazon doesn't want to be responsible for collecting duties and taxes on the download.

I wouldn't download anything from them either because the downloader is required.

That actually crossed my mind, but there is no effective way to tell what country a computer or user is in, apart from IP or credit card info - which is much simpler and much more reliable than a downloader anyway.
Bahhahaha! Are you kidding me? 5 bucks? I downloaded to my laptop and installed it on my desktop. What a deal!

Thanks BarryRiedl!:wave:
You mind grabbing a packet dump and tell me what else it's sending out and what domains and IPs are involved? If you don't have it, try Wireshark.
Well, I purchased Settle & Carlisle.
I had no problems downloading and installing using Amazon's downloader.
It downloaded a setup.exe and setup-1a.bin to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Amazon Games & Software\SettleAndCarlisle
I installed it as an addon to TRS2010 and it was already patched to build 41903.
I have yet take a look at it in game.
Thanks everyone!
I'm glad I was able to point some others to this discount.
Happy new year!!!
Bought the Blue Comet now.
There does not appear to be any DRM on it as I installed it without Amazon's downloader running.
It and S&C are still at those prices if anyone else wants them.
Amazon requires the downloader to download it. There is no valid reason to require a downloader. A link to the Auran installer would suffice and is probably what most customers expect.

This is on top of the fact that Amazon has a terrible policy record at security/privacy matters and that Amazon does not disclose what amazongsdownloaderservice/amazongsdownloadersetup.exe does, why they feel it's necessary to add an extra step in the download process, and what information the downloader phones home.
Amazon requires the downloader to download it. There is no valid reason to require a downloader. A link to the Auran installer would suffice and is probably what most customers expect.

This is on top of the fact that Amazon has a terrible policy record at security/privacy matters and that Amazon does not disclose what amazongsdownloaderservice/amazongsdownloadersetup.exe does, why they feel it's necessary to add an extra step in the download process, and what information the downloader phones home.

Certainly everyone must make their own decisions when it comes to the security of their information, the amount of risk they are willing to take and so forth, but there comes a point in most people's lives when they have nothing to hide anymore. I'm not planning to get into politics and consider myself fair game if you're trying to sell me something.

There are simple ways to avoid the shame of DRM's and the price for these items is a good deal. I'm happy to have taken the plunge, and so far the SWAT team has not abseilled from the black helicopters through my windows.

I'll keep you posted though!:D
I use the Amazon downloader for MP3s and I don't see that it does any harm whatsoever. If if does, could we see some evidence rather than the usual paranoid "they're all out to get us" insinuations please? :eek:

I use the Amazon downloader for MP3s and I don't see that it does any harm whatsoever. If if does, could we see some evidence rather than the usual paranoid "they're all out to get us" insinuations please? :eek:


Tell ya what, why don't you tell us why it's necessary to accomplish an every day task that everyone else does without needing a special program? kthx.

BTW, since you seem to know so much about what it's sending out, care to provide a decrypted packet dump? Thx again.