I can recommend the S&C add on I have for 2009, excellent work with good support from the builders. really nice locos, rolling stock, routes, actually everything is top notch, not just the 9Fs.

can someone please help me, i am trying to also download 4 wheeled coaches but there are some errors these are the errors

Error: The tag ';cylinder' is not permitted within this container. (Container type 'traincar')
Error: The tag ';safety' is not permitted within this container. (Container type 'traincar')
Error: The tag ';standing' is not permitted within this container. (Container type 'traincar')
Jumping from TRS 2004 to TANE, a huge jump, does this train work in TANE?

Have tried to download it in TANE, but impossible to find kuid2:101839:52051 to 52062 in DLS or other web site.

Ive got a similar problem that <kuid:101839:52051>to <kuid:101839:52061>are all missing
any ideas what they might be?
it says theyre unknown on the DLS
but those are for the br 9f cab
however for the likes of black prince and its cab of course
its only <kuid:101839:52044> & <kuid:71662:52105>