Bare Trees and Version 3.3 No Show on DLS


New member

Since the release of service pack 3 we are not able to see version 3.3 items uploaded to the DLS. I as a creator am not encouraged to make new items if they are not going to be made available on the DLS. Yes, they appear in CMP but half of the community does not even use that program. Also there is a problem with the Speed Trees not working correctly. We cannot Adjust the Date so that they will show up with leaves. There have been many posts regarding these problems.

Please give this problem your highest priority as your reputation as far as I am concerned is on the line here. Why should we spend money on new versions if we cannot get the ones we just bought to work correctly.

Ample time has elapsed to address these issues.

Please Act Now!! Not SOONtm!!

Thank You

Since the release of service pack 3 we are not able to see version 3.3 items uploaded to the DLS. I as a creator am not encouraged to make new items if they are not going to be made available on the DLS. Yes, they appear in CMP but half of the community does not even use that program. Also there is a problem with the Speed Trees not working correctly. We cannot Adjust the Date so that they will show up with leaves. There have been many posts regarding these problems.

Please give this problem your highest priority as your reputation as far as I am concerned is on the line here. Why should we spend money on new versions if we cannot get the ones we just bought to work correctly.

Ample time has elapsed to address these issues.

Please Act Now!! Not SOONtm!!

Thank You


1. Who is WE?:confused: I can see ALL items on the DLS
2. Half the community?:confused: Where do you get your figures? I suspect almost EVERYONE uses CMP.
3. My Speedtreez work wonderfully!:Y:

I have a feeling you are the one with the problems. My update works great. Many others who have updated with SP3 have had no problems. Did you read all the posts stating HOW to install the update? Turn off your Antivirus, Leave the computer completely alone until it completely finishes the update (i.e., don't even TOUCH the keyboard while it is updating).

As for Auran's reputation... the only reputation they have in my book is the one for having the absolute BEST train simulator on the market.

Hope you figure out what went wrong. I sincerely mean that.


Dave Snow
1. Who is WE?:confused: I can see ALL items on the DLS
2. Half the community?:confused: Where do you get your figures? I suspect almost EVERYONE uses CMP.
3. My Speedtreez work wonderfully!:Y:

I have a feeling you are the one with the problems. My update works great. Many others who have updated with SP3 have had no problems. Did you read all the posts stating HOW to install the update? Turn off your Antivirus, Leave the computer completely alone until it completely finishes the update (i.e., don't even TOUCH the keyboard while it is updating).

As for Auran's reputation... the only reputation they have in my book is the one for having the absolute BEST train simulator on the market.

Hope you figure out what went wrong. I sincerely mean that.


Dave Snow


Go to the DLS while you are on line.

Key in my number #59692

All my content should show up.

Look for:

59692:1028 Busch Garden Tampa Route
59692:1029 Busch Garden Tampa Session Setup

They will not be listed. These are version 3.3

That is the number assigned after service pack 3 was installed.

I re-uploaded these as version 3.2 and put the 3_2 in the title.

For your information the DLS does not list 3.3 version files on the On line DLS

Go to CMP They are all listed there. Key in my number author #59692

You, most likley, don't use the on line DLS for your content.

If you don't believe me Ask Phil Keane. He has the same problem.

If you key in Bare Trees in the search you will find others that are having trouble with Speed trees. Happy that yours work OK.

Mine don't work as advertised!

I think the bare Tree problem can be got round by changing the date to any other date that you don't want, saving and the going back and changing it to the date you require, worked here on the one occasion I had a problem in SP2, SP3 seems to be OK here. not forgetting that the season will depend on the area in the routes config.