

Hi Everyone,
I am trying to restore a route from the backup folder but it is not working, nothing happens. I have dragged the backup folder into CM with no luck and also copied the TZARCS file into the Local data folder then rebuilding the data base and still nothing. Any help would be appreciated thanks.

Hi Alfa777,

Check in Content Manager that your restored route isn't open for edit. This will occur if your route still exists. If it is open for edit, right-click and choose submit, and then check in Trainz to see if it's where it should be.

Make sure you grab the largest of the .tzarc files. You may have to remove the numeric sequence number and underscore (_) character from the extension first.

If you still have trouble with the restore, try this instead. It's drag and drop and easy to use, and I prefer this method.

TZarchiver v1.2 - Trainz Romania (

The program doesn't have a real installer - you just setup a directory (folder) for it.

The output will be in the folder where the .tzarc file is located. When I use this program, I put the .tzarc file in a temp directory.

The output will be a folder with the route kuid and name.
Hi John,

Thanks for the reply, yeah, nothing in open for edit and using the largest .tzarc 45Mb. Data base goes through the motions and then nothing! The route is Illawarra and Southern Highlands by P Gibbons created in Trainz 2010, maybe it's too old.

Hi John,

Problem solved, it was the numeric number and _. Once deleted it restored OK so thanks very much for the intel.

