Auran main web site - bottom panel - how to get rid of it?


This panel is busy lately - news, promotopns etc. But it covers direct links to the DLS and other sub sites!!! Please, Dear Webmaster, make it removable, resize it, put it somewhere else, this is annoying!
I loathe it too, but AdBlockerPlus took care of it with a couple mouse clicks! It's available for Firefox and I think Chrome.
I would also like to see that thing go and not return.
I can see the "need" for it, but then at least make it disappear after like 10 seconds or so.
I just bookmark links and go direct but had a look and see what you mean. Currently there's an Ipad pod thingy covering the links.
As a compromise, perhaps the links to sub sites could be moved to the top so at least they can easily be clicked?
Hi folks!
Your suggestions are very good, thank you, but isn't the site supposed to be functioning properly? It looks like nobody cares that it doesn't.

It looks like this:

photo hosting sites
And while some links are not visible at all, when you click on the 'station' writing which is supposed to lead to the DLS I guess - it leads to the apple site! Shame...
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Bad design (Says the site builder) the dev probably has a nice wide monitor where the "iPad" is off to the left and the links clearly visible.
This has been fixed.

Not so much....

Just to check, those still seeing the problem you are using the scroll bar / wheel?

No problems with either link, if I scroll the page.
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