A short little nag- Suggestion forum


Rural Haul layout-1%
I would like to point out that the system through which threads are posted in the Suggestion Boxcar is inefficient. I've submitted four suggestions and all of them havn't come through. I'm pretty sure that admins are supposed to let them appear. This has been going for too long where my well planned ideas which I sometimes work on for hours do not get shared with the community.

The latest and also the largest suggestion I've developed was Trainz:Source. This has to be the greatest idea I've ever posted and I'm already making an alpha version of it in gMod.
The moderators are supposed to not approve threads if they are "off-topic". However, even I once posted a suggestion to that forum (which I thought was on-topic), and saw a moderator view it, but he did not approve it, so therefore it is gone. :eek: :eek: :confused: ;)
