Recent content by DeRiCo

  1. D

    Purchasing Help

    I am having a problem trying to purchase the TANE CE Boxed. I know some of you have more than one copy of TANE, and I have moved my TANE CE DRM Free version to my laptop. What I now want is another copy to put in my tower. I tried to buy it through the website but it asks for an account to be...
  2. D

    Single Line Section Lengths

    I have noticed before people asking about problems with signals not working due to the distance between them. I have recently been modifying a route for AI opertaions and have had similar problems. The route is 'Avery - Drexel' by 'tume'. This route is a must see for the great scenery work...
  3. D

    Aussie Rail web site

    Here's a new one I found for: Australian Railway Track and Signal Drawings. Should be helpful for creating routes. Dennis
  4. D

    Wrong Version Showing

    I have noticed something odd while using CMP3.2 tonight. My route Hamilton Loco Depot is showing as V3.2 even though I uploaded it on 19 Dec 2005. I have not updated it so how come it is showing a newer version. In CMP I sorted the version column so as to see what was available for TS2010...
  5. D

    Versions question

    OK I have the following: 2004 V2.4 B2365 2006 V2.5 B3092 TC3 V2.8 B3529 Problem is from here on: 2009 V2.9 B38017 2009 V? B40040 2010 V? B41491 There are versions such as: 3.0 3.1 3.2 Showing in the CMP lists. Which versions are which? Loaded 2010 up but cannot find a version...
  6. D

    Train Dispatcher

    Not sure where to put this thread, but here goes. I have just updated to a new machine with Win7 64 bit. Problem is I cannot install Train Dispatcher V3.5. I have been to the Signal website and searched the web but cannot find anything that might help. I know some of the Trainz members...
  7. D

    In need of assistance

    On one of the routes i am using lately, I have some annoying messages that keep showing in the radio message window. They are: Main Junction Name= Main Junction Direction= Signal State= Can anyone point me in the right direction to stop them showing. It only happens on one route, none of...
  8. D

    General Goods Problem

    I'm having a problem with setting up loading & unloading of general goods. I am using Natvander's G2 Goods Shed with his NODY wagons, and the product AUS General Goods. Both goods shed & the wagon have his AUS General Goods set in them. Problem is that the wagons do not load. I did get...
  9. D

    Using Trainzmap for TC routes

    Due to wanting a printed map of a route I am working on in TC, and not being able to access them with Trainzmap yet, I decided to try something out. I succeeded in transfering a TC route to 2006 and using Trainzmap to print it out. METHOD: I first opened the route & Scenario in TC for edit...
  10. D

    Newcastle Trainzer Day

    A few people have expressed interest in having another Trainzer day in Newcastle. We should aim for a day in the next couple of months before it gets too cold. Let me know who is interested in either the 22nd or 29th April. I will check with the Tennis Club as to which Sunday will be...