Kuji Rail sim release date Friday 5th October 2007

Mike, what I was really referring to is this part.
what is it going to be like once they've got your money?
And where exactly is all the support from the guys at Auran now that they have taken the money ? If you really go back in time from say January of 03 until now, you'll find that probably about 90 to 95% of the support comes from the end user and not the guys at Auran. I expect KRS to be the same way.

While I (my opinion only) think TC is nothing but pure junk, I don't think that Kuju's rail sim will be that great either...........yet. There is the great argument about MSTS and how it wasn't supported. When has MS ever really supported anything ? The one thing that will might make turn me away from Kuju is the not having a gmax exporter. I don't want to hear about how good blender is because I've tried it and I find it to be not worth my time.

P.S. Good one Amigacooke. :hehe: Although, personally, I don't need anything to make me go out and buy it. I'll try it once. Heck I kept buying Trainz until 06 came out and that was the last stop.
I havn't see the computer specs for it as I have not seen a link to them. Lets hope it can go onto Windows XP. :confused:

The game has been developed in conjunction with the following railway partners: First Great Western (UK), Deutsche Bahn (Germany), Union Pacific (USA). Note: Not all content is included in the version of the game supplied in different each region.
The technology partners are: Ageia and Creative Labs.
Publishing partners: Europe – Electronic Arts; USA – To be announced (shortly); Rest of World – to be determined.
Platforms supported: Windows XP and Vista
Release date: October 5th 2007 (Europe); to be announced (Rest of World)

From the official website .. too bad the are no more details as to hardware requirements but I would imagine they are quite high considering the level of details seen in the videos.

Also note that the 5th October is only applicable to Europe - who knows when the Yankees and us Canucks will get it..
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This is weird. I just bought this months Maximum PC (here in Canada), which has an EA Games ad that lists Medivil II and Kuju's Rail Sim. The strange thing is that the banner for Rail Sim has in fact a picture of what appears to be a rendered (as in "in-game") shot of a UP SD45 or one of its sisters. Perhaps Rail Sim has another yet to be announced route from America? I'm currently at work and only have my camera with me. I'll try to post the picture later.
This is weird. I just bought this months Maximum PC (here in Canada), which has an EA Games ad that lists Medivil II and Kuju's Rail Sim. The strange thing is that the banner for Rail Sim has in fact a picture of what appears to be a rendered (as in "in-game") shot of a UP SD45 or one of its sisters. Perhaps Rail Sim has another yet to be announced route from America? I'm currently at work and only have my camera with me. I'll try to post the picture later.

It's already been confirmed that at least one UP route will feature in the North American version of Rail Sim, and there are at least three or four screenshots out there. One of the most recent even features a BNSF unit, which indicates that the game will have more than one railroad featured in it. I haven't seen any SD45's in the shots, but there were a whole pile of GP38-2's and some new GEVO units. From what I've seen, it looks like the sim uses alpha numbering, or something similar. I'm glad to see that, as I think it's a great feature that, up until now, only Trainz has had.

It's been a long time

HI all,

I haven't been around Trainz forums much. I kinda lost interest in Trainz in favour of flying in FSX. Still flying, but now I'm getting excited about the new kids on the block - Rail Simulator and Train Simulator 2 (the latter is holding my interest more than the former - the FSX engine is awesome, especially on the new generation intel duo core processors).

I'm not sure about Rail Simulator - but I'll probably buy it. It's still not the type of program I'm looking for in a train simulator.

I must say I am disappointed in the direction Auran is taking with Trainz - I can't see how it will survive given the new titles enroute.

HI all,

I haven't been around Trainz forums much. I kinda lost interest in Trainz in favour of flying in FSX. Still flying, but now I'm getting excited about the new kids on the block - Rail Simulator and Train Simulator 2 (the latter is holding my interest more than the former - the FSX engine is awesome, especially on the new generation intel duo core processors).

I'm not sure about Rail Simulator - but I'll probably buy it. It's still not the type of program I'm looking for in a train simulator.

I must say I am disappointed in the direction Auran is taking with Trainz - I can't see how it will survive given the new titles enroute.


The FSX engine has managed to get about 20% cpu utilisation off the second cpu. Not really earth shattering. DX10 support with full Microsoft resources behind it maybe 15% better performance, again not earth shattering and that's the latest version of the code.

The new Intel cpus in the fall give around 10% more performance. This is all evolutionary stuff not revolutionary.

Cheerio John
@Patrick - have they said if the American version will feature the European routes aswell ?

This is from the KRS web site.

Four real-world routes.
The game comes supplied with four routes (the four included are determined by the country of purchase). Each one is on average 90 miles long and both historic and current environments are featured.
And inaccurate.

The curtailed S&D route is @40 miles.
Padd to Oxf is @60 miles
and York to Newcastle @80 miles.

There are only 3 UK routes and the 4th is German, Hagen to Singen. Not sure how far that is (reaches for Local Live).
... that is idiotic ... I want european and american routes :(

From the posts that I've read on other forums, it seems that you aren't alone in wanting a non-regional version. Personally, I'm just the opposite. I'd rather have a North American package, since I have no interest in European railroading. That said, it certainly does seem odd that they would cater to one group of customers (like me), while alienating the group who want both regions. Surely it can't be that much cheaper to produce two different versions, when you could just throw all eight routes into one box and sell the same thing to everyone.

One way or the other, Kuju (or perhaps it's EA) must have a reason for doing this. They want to sell as many copies as they can, and I'm sure they wouldn't intentionally sabotage their product.

First - Rail Simulator use Multicore-CPUs.
I don't know how many... but a 2-core-CPU is OK for me.

KujuAdam post it in UKTrainSim-Forum - I must search, but I read there every day.

MSTS 2 has no chance for my money - because only one thing: I hate it to activate anything. I give my money, that's enough.
My problem is - I'm Ubuntu-Linux User:D, because only "activation of my XP".

I have some words for you direct from the forum and post today:

"Hello all,
Derek here from Rail Simulator, Yes Richard and Claire have moved on, however the Simulation team is still going strong.

Give poor Adam a break, after a year and a half of hard labour he deserves a holiday and a little time out(even if we do have to force him to take it). If he could answer all your questions he would believe me.

We are currently working on updating the website, (which some of you guys have already picked up on... and the mistakes made, thank you.) a new movie showing the tools and world editor.
We are also taking more screen shots and working on future goody packs as well as working on documenting everything for content creation, as you can imaging there is a quite a lot to get through.



I'm happy: screenshots and movie. Waiting...:udrool: Amazon.de and EA.de write "IT COMES OUT on the 04.10.07" is only one day, but I can play it in the weakend (06-07.10.)

P.S. I have no problem with local tracks. Ok, I only want to play tracks and trains from Europe, but there are only 4 tracks.
You can build your own, make it better.

Have a look here, that say what I mean in pictures and better in English:
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I have some words for you direct from the forum and post today:

"Hello all,
Derek here from Rail Simulator, Yes Richard and Claire have moved on, however the Simulation team is still going strong.

Give poor Adam a break, after a year and a half of hard labour he deserves a holiday and a little time out(even if we do have to force him to take it). If he could answer all your questions he would believe me.

We are currently working on updating the website, (which some of you guys have already picked up on... and the mistakes made, thank you.) a new movie showing the tools and world editor.
We are also taking more screen shots and working on future goody packs as well as working on documenting everything for content creation, as you can imaging there is a quite a lot to get through.



that's the best I've heard from the KRS Team in 18 months.:D
First - Rail Simulator use Multicore-CPUs.
I don't know how many... but a 2-core-CPU is OK for me.

Can you find me a reference please as technically at the moment this is not at all easy to do other than use the second cpu to do odd jobs ie use about 15-20% of it's power and even that is quite tricky.

Cheerio John
I'm not Canadian, I live here though :p I guess this is a matter of personal opinion, however I think the reason behind regionalization is that they can charge the same price for a version with any number of routes in it, making any extra content people want a separate package. This equals more money :p

Found this for you :
Rail Simulator API, Physics & Dual Core Support


Answers to some questions from another thread:

What will the API look like?
Rail Simulator continues to work on an API for interoperability with hardware devices etc, however these interfaces need to be defined when the game is complete. We are working on the finishing touches to the game and will complete work on defining the APIs as soon as possible thereafter.

Will the physics be scriptable?
Rail Simulator’s physics system is not open to scripting via LUA. The core physics of our simulator is a very integral part its operation and thus the smallest of changes could create large unexpected alterations. Therefore, these types of modification will be protected from the casual user, while for advanced users and add-on developers we intend to work closely together to supply any feasible further enhancements.

Will KRS take advantage of Dual Core CPU’s?
Rail Simulator does take advantage of Dual Core CPU’s so those with these installed will see a benefit. However we understand that not every system in the Train Simulation market is using the latest hardware and thus we are ensuring that as many as possible can enjoy Rail Simulator to high standards.


I will test Rail Simulator with my now many years old Athlon XP 2600+ and 9800 PRO 128MB. Then I will know what I need for the future. March 2008 I will buy/built me my next Computer.

23 days until release here in Germany (4.10.):cool: