Bridgehampton Metro - UK Light Rail / Modern Tramway in Progress

For some reason, my post came through three times (was three earlier) - which is why we need to have a delete post option.

I've got some photos, but I could really do with some dimensions for rail clips.
Aye, juust don't get some photos frim Ireland(1)

1. One railway book, shows a station in Ireland with the rail kinked. And that is no joke.
Where can I find the Flexity trams (KUID 201563:17 & 201563:18)?

Also missing dependencies for Edenbridge Trams route:
Unknown Location: <kuid2:57230:25502:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:57230:25503:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:79824:26037:1>

The catenary and pylons can be found on the Download Station(DLS), just filter your search engine by choosing Author, and enter Paulzmay. He also has some other really great content as well, I recommend it.

Just to show i"m not dead...


I've combined all of the Bridgehampton routes into one on my new machine (which it seems to handle). I'll probably still release it in sections as it's completed, but I can see how it all hangs together now. It's clear there are lots of sections I haven't looked at in a LONG time, and will need some significant updating.... The section in the picture is no it's third overhead, third road and thrid set of buildings. I think I've also done the intersections at least three time now too.

G'day! :wave:


Lookin good mate! Keep up the good work!

Do you happen to have at tutorial on how to use the UK road splines, components etc? I'm having trouble using them. :(

Cheers! :)

@Bhorton - Have you checked that you have all of the dependencies? Do they appear in the train menu? Do they show any errors in CM? Which version are you using them in?

@Rastis - thanks - it's always nice to have some encouragement...

I don't have a tutorial, and I honestly doubt if I'll ever find time to write one. What in particular are you having problems with?

G'day! :wave:


I pretty much have no idea on how to use the traffic splines correctly, I tried making a 4-lane roadway with 2 lane traffic either side, but the vehicles traveling on the roads stayed at the deafault 2 lane roadway. When I added the 1-lane TUME spline, vehicles did not spawn. I am also confused on where to put the ZigZag and hazard stripes on the road.

Cheers ! :)

G'day! :wave:


I pretty much have no idea on how to use the traffic splines correctly, I tried making a 4-lane roadway with 2 lane traffic either side, but the vehicles traveling on the roads stayed at the deafault 2 lane roadway. When I added the 1-lane TUME spline, vehicles did not spawn. I am also confused on where to put the ZigZag and hazard stripes on the road.

Cheers ! :)


OK - first off, the best guide to how these should be used is this: and note that I've included the diagram number from this document in the description of each asset (yes I should have made it a keyword).

Splines that are designed to take traffic will need to be lowered by 0.2 to reach the board, whereas things like stop lines do not.

If you are using waygauges, then use the newer universal waygauges - the centre attachment is designed for roads, the set aligned to the tracks is for overhead wire, and the others are for my pavements.

One way roads and multi-lane roads will need the techniques described here: kit.pdf I've not used the new isfreeway tag, because it just doesn't combine with conventional roads.

The zig-zag lines are exclusively for UK zebra crossings (they match andi06's crossings). The hazard lines are used as centre and/or lane lines on the approach to junctions, at the approach to other hazards and where it is inadvisable to overtake (but not illegal). The guide above gives a lot more guidance.

The other thing worth noting is that some of the road splines end in the work 'div' - this denotes that they have a camber on one side, so that they can be used for diverging roads without texture flashing. They are mostly intended for use on roundabouts.

There are a few examples of how they all work together on my Bridgehampton Metro South 2 route - it's probably worth downloading and picking apart...

The forum's "slow-ness" is making CityRail, sorry make that Countrylink look good!

Just saw a program with Aled Jones in Halifax (England or Wales - doesn't "really" matter anyway, should be one country[1] anyway :hehe:), and in it was a station/stop with an "M" sign outside, you would think it would be from a real "Bridgehampton". Looked almost as good as Paul's Metro signs. Even in similar colours. And what is the British Rail symbol doing on a Metro network?

And similar buidings to Paul's Westhaven.

Paulzmay, is that the area that both Hampton Mall & Westhaven are based on?

1. Ducks for cover!

PS: It was Songs of Praises with transport as the subject.
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Thought I'd post some more shots, mostly of areas I haven't featured much before. I'm finding that even the combined route runs really well in T:ANE...










