Roads with built in invisible track


Sorry for the seemingly endless questions. But does anybody know of any good roads and roadway bridges with invisible track ? It`s pretty tiring using the invisible track and trying position it fine with roads for many miles. All the curves and bridges especially is a real pain. Im in big need of a 4 lane divided interstate or highway for my route. As that`s what`s left to put invisible track down for and it span`s a creek and another road and has a curve. In it that make`s laying the invisible track difficult. If anybody know`s of any id appreciate it thank`s.
No probs with the questions Jokel. Keep em' coming.
You need to lay invisible track if you want to drive on the road. Takes quite some time I know. Same thing for aircraft and ships. If there is some other way, I'd like to hear about it too.

There's also Road Track Dual, which includes both lanes with invisible track. Just one note, it works like double track, which is a bit annoying. Also, dual track is not supported in TS12.

In Content Manager, look for category Track with name Road.