Derailed Cars


join 1-1-2005
I would like to know if there is a rule or command that will remove derailed train cars from the tracks. I know about the derail train eracer and about the deleate train. I've looked on the DLS. Is there a web site that might have something like this???
Thank you All
In surveyor click edit session look for clean up trains ,edit ,set time Hope this helps have a good day
The rerail portal portal by maggs will remove the consist and resend it. Look for kuid2:116387:6:1.
The key word is cars not trains. Ican get trains off the tracks but not cars that are left after a derailment. All the rules/commands must have a loco & driver in order to deleate they. Sometime the re-rail portal will leave cars and as of now i don't know how to remove them?????
Thanks again
I'm looking for an answer to this and found only questions - what's the trick? In TS2010 I set the Clean Up Derailed Trains to 5 minutes, or leave it at the default 1 minute, doesn't matter. Whatever I do if there's a derailment SOME cars or engines are removed, others stay there forever. When I have a collision with an AI train the engines and some of the cars derail, other cars are still okay - but if I grab another engine and couple onto the good cars to tow them away I get another derailment. Is there some button you need to push or some key command to activate the cleanup?
Supposedly that's what "Clean Up Derailed Trains" is for, what I'm trying to figure out is why it deletes some and leaves others?