DOWNLOADING - Where to Begin


New member
I recently purchased the 2010 Trainz Simulator and did get a 3-month download ticket to simply the download of the game. Well, Trainz is up and running wonderfully. I still have quite a while left for downloading and would like any tips on where to begin. I would actually like some additional scenarios since there seem to be so few with the game as it comes. I tried downloading from the scenario area but am not sure if I had success or not. I am not sure how to install them or if you need more pieces to the puzzle than just a scenario. If this is all in a manual, forgive me for not finding it first. Any direction would be appreciated. Also, is there a way to turn off the automatic ending of a scenario when you make a mistake? I have done one over and over and it keeps saying I run a red light. I wait forever and it never changes so I finally just go through but there it ends. Too many questions probably, but the download one is the main one. Thanks!:)
I would download Philskenes/GFishers and several routes at USLW...etc... as many large detailed route(s) as you can, so that you pick up alot of assets. There are many, many other great routes, that will help you library of assets grow. I presently have 46 GB in my "Local" file (it is originally @ 7 Gb).

You won't need each and every roadname SD45 & and each and every 40' boxcar...You will probably only need a few dozen of your favorite roadnames.

I am presently trying to aquire each and every railcar and loco known to US & Canada, and I regularly make a back up copy my "Local" file up to a 1 Tb External Hard Drive, just in case my game or PC goes :p kablooie !
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Sam,when you start trainz the first screen will be the start up screen click on content. this will be CMv3.2 (content manager) on the lift side is a screach window click on the arrows on the right of that, a new window will open, click on the plus,click on the arrow go down to location, and local will show up,then click on arrow to the right of that,go down to download click on the plus again go down to catagory then route will show up click on arrow go down to scenario,this will give you a list of 67 to chose from.
Right click on anyone you want then at the top is the word download click that and it will start downloading.They are all free so down load all you want and the same for all that on the download station.
Hope this is what you were asking?
Oh by the way welcome to Trainz in joy and get addited like the rest of us.