Lost all trains and consists


New member
Today I went into Surveyor to continue working on the SKD II. All the scenery and trackage is there, but all the trains, consists, etc are gone. I checked in Driver and it's the same there. Only in saved sessions, of which I have two,show all trains and cars.

I always save the current CMD after finishing a work session to a backup folder on my desktop, and I have a complete saved Tainz 2009 directory on a backup drive that is about a month old.

Is there a way to restore the missing trains and consists and keep my current work? I can't figure out what I did wrong. I did delete multiple SKDII files in the workload manager, but the consists were still there afterwards.

Thanks in advance to all that can help.
In surveyor or driver the left hand list is for the map only. No trains are stored on this part of the route. The right hand list is where all rolling stock will be kept plus the link to the map it uses. If you only open the left hand side and do alterations to the route and save it may have saved with a different kuid. I always open with the session and then do alterations and then save. If the route did save with a different kuid the session will aswell.
If you drove any train then saved, these will be stored in a different area and the route can not be altered.