Track with built in caternary/overhead wires


New member
Sorry to bother you all with a question like this, but is there any track, DLS or otherwise, that has the overhead electric wires? It's such a pain to have to lay down the overhead, test it, adjust, etc. And even then I rarely get it to fit! I'm not sure how people do it.
Yes there are,there are plenty just search "catenary" I hoped I spelled that right.But its best for you to lay down tracks first then add the cat as you go.Unless you edit the cat+track in open for edit then you do watever.But good luck.And it depends wat kind of cat u will use(UK,USA etc)
Depends on the era and type of road. Early traction was often on wooden poles and single wire. Look for jaleel. As the roads grew, metal poles or standards were used as well.

I like putting the wire up separately. It takes longer but it's worth the effect. There are a couple of tools around that allow you to set the height correctly and the curve.

Have fun...

If using Native mode, make sure you have no alpha channel issues.
Don't know of any 3D wire yet.
My catenary for the NH and DL&W are 3d for just this reason. :cool:

I believe kenechiro has done track with the catenary built-in. Should be on the DLS.
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