jumping to a specific session time frame?


since 10 Aug 2002
Is there a way jump to a specific time frame in a session?

When testing a change in a session that will not happen for some time, say 20 minutes, is there a way to get to that point without waiting in real time? I know about increasing the passage of time by hold down the shift key but anything more than a few moments is still a long wait.
Is there a way jump to a specific time frame in a session?

When testing a change in a session that will not happen for some time, say 20 minutes, is there a way to get to that point without waiting in real time? I know about increasing the passage of time by hold down the shift key but anything more than a few moments is still a long wait.

Try pguy's Quick Drive Rule. Works for TS2009. You can change the time, control mode, weather, clock rate, derail mode and more with this cool rule.
I saw it but never noticed the time setup option. First try changes the time of the session but I don't think previous events happened. So it's not like time jumping like Dr Who and joining events in progress. It appears as if "Apply new time" just resets the time and things go forward from that point without any history. Not what I need to to see when investigating changes in AI controls. Guess I'll be leaning on the shift key a bit longer. :eek:
with the Quick drive rule, try changing the clock to a faster rate, then back to 1:1 when the time you want to test arrives. Will save your finger from fatigue of holding down the shift key.
I noticed that even when the clock rate is increased to high values, events like train movements in Driver still happen at normal speed. The only thing that appears accelerated is the movement of the sun.

So from a Trainz person's point of view, a ride that normally takes x minutes to go from A to B will take a much longer elapsed time to travel the same distance. How long depends on how high the rate is increased.

So if a new train is produced every ten minutes, real time, when the game rate is 1x, If the game rate is increased to 60x a new train is still produced every ten minutes real time. A 1 minute wait still takes 1 minute on my watch even if the game clock shows 1 hour has passed.
I use the Portal Timetable Rule to manage when trains are emitted from my portals. There, I specify the time a train should be emitted. If I want to check it's performance, I just advance the time 1 minute prior to the scheduled time using the Quick Drive Rule and it arrives right on schedule. No long waiting, no holding down the shift key. Give it a try!