Too many passengers getting off at stations


Active member
Im finding that when a train stops at a station to loads passengers its unloading too many, so the train gets left with only a few passengers on it. Even if the station size is set to small, how do i made not so many passengers get off the train?

I think that the station importance setting (at least on Andi06's stations) may well affect what proportion of passengers disembark. Of course I've never tested it properly...

Does this mean you're getting to the point where you're testing the route? :eek:

@Viper1hh - most European countries still have a thriving passenger railway, with services even in some rural areas. Freight is definitely second place, in the UK at least, so getting passenger handling to work is kind of important...

Trainz? Not real? Nooooooooooooo!

I would like to know the answer to this as well. It'd be neat to set an option so that some stations had more passengers exiting than at others. I know it would not be impossible to do...


Gisa ^^
The rate of passengers to leave the train is fixed in the file '' (function GetRatioOfPassengersToDisembark).
The values for the different station types are:

Terminus 100%
Large 50%
Standard 25%
Small 10%

Did you forget this isn't real??:D
Blasphemy! If Trainz isn't real, what is there to believe in?
I've never worried about how many get on or off. I'm just happy to be able to move people and freight in my imaginary play world.
At least I can still believe in pro wrestling.

Let's be serious.. If your car is not taking so many passengers, set the number of load passengers it can take. If you play with the rule of the station and the one included in the car, you should be able to get a full load of people, or a half. Just play with it.
Referring back to Peter,
Is there a way to change one stations classification values? If one makes a small station, and the percentage is at Terminus, or reversed, how is that changed? That could be the problem, what are your ideas. Sorry to point you out, Peter, but you seem to have been the one giving the knowledgeable advice here.

Referring back to Peter,
Is there a way to change one stations classification values? If one makes a small station, and the percentage is at Terminus, or reversed, how is that changed? That could be the problem, what are your ideas. Sorry to point you out, Peter, but you seem to have been the one giving the knowledgeable advice here.



Go into Surveyor.
Find your station that you want to change.
Choose the ? icon found on the Scenery objects tab and click on the station.

This will bring up your station's properties page where you can make the necessary changes.

I hope this is helpful.

Yes you can change the type of station. You say unloading gets too many off the train but are you also giving a load command after? That should get more people on board as long as the station can supply enough of them. also configurable.
You say unloading gets too many off the train but are you also giving a load command after?


My understanding was that the 'load' and 'unload' commands had the same effect at passenger interactive stations. i.e. you either used one or the other, not both.

Cheers, John