Queensland RR


New member
This is what i think is probably the most detailed route i ever put together!

Its only 3 boards and has a U-Make connection at one end.


At the start of the route, a PB15 lugs a short local into queensland

I can start to see buildings...

Some nice scenery around here

Entering the town... The man with the shovel appears to be daydreaming instead of shovling gravel....

The only RR crossing in town

2 guys play checker behind the bakery

Pulling into the station

The PB15 pulls away and prepares to run around the train and switch the lone industry

The branchline shows years of neglectance, look at that dip in the track

2 engineers trying to decide on making a cut of a tunnel

brb with more pics

Running around

Hooked onto the coach, prepareing to drop off the cars and pick up one

After picking up the van from the general good depot the train backs up again

It drops the van aside and pushes the other van and the flat back in the depot

The train is now ready to return

Depending on the popularity i get i may or may not release this route.
You've almost got it right, I'll give you a tip though so that you can be more accurate.

Under the circumstances, you're doing pretty good considering you probably haven't been to Australia let alone Queensland.

For starters, you're hauling some Victorian rollingstock with a Queensland steam loco. The problem there is you have a 3ft6 loco hauling 5ft3 rolling stock (Always forget Victorian gauge, call it broad gauge for now).

Your texturing is pretty good, if you're doing a rural Queensland route you may want to consider putting in cattle yards, some overgrown farms with rusty sheds, old houses with big yards.

Keep going with it, you can Google search Queensland to get a better idea of what the Sunshine State is really like, even by looking at rail photos you will get pretty good idea.
Under the circumstances, you're doing pretty good considering you probably haven't been to Australia let alone Queensland
accually i just got back from austrailia less then a week ago, didn't go to queensland though. I created this route long before that trip though, but it did help with some of the details i placed today

For starters, you're hauling some Victorian rollingstock with a Queensland steam loco. The problem there is you have a 3ft6 loco hauling 5ft3 rolling stock (Always forget Victorian gauge, call it broad gauge for now).
i don't have much aussie stuff (and my FCT expired today, DRAT!) so i just used what i had.

Your texturing is pretty good, if you're doing a rural Queensland route you may want to consider putting in cattle yards, some overgrown farms with rusty sheds, old houses with big yards.
ok, thanks for the ideas!
Well it has been some time since been here but I am trying my hand again at some QR rollingstock using Blender. It needs considerably more work. So I will keep you posted.
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