USA Pics

Would you happen to be using the modified shaders from Tram__? Also, if I may ask, what exactly are your post processing settings? Those shots look fantastic!

Default ingame shadows. Post processing is set to ultra and game is maxxed out.




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How did you get the shadows to be so dark?When I max out my T:ANE graphics settings, all that results is a bunch of lag and no improvement in how the lighting looks.

you have to mess with the routes environmental lighting control as you edit the route. :)

Make everything darker, and you'll get the dark Shadow. Post processing just enhances the look
How about no, if the/my content isn't available, it's absolutely not okay to start asking for it under the table!

I don't know if I'd call it "under the table", he was publicly asking someone for it. It's like standing in Central Park, pointing at one guy, and asking "Hey wanna rob that convenience store", just loud enough so all of NYC could hear you.
