Trainz videos

Very nice video Truemac, I always love your clips and music selection. :)
You might want to add wgkandsk's Mohawk to the description if anyone wants to download that.

Hi are those sounds going to be up for download?

Hi yoshicool,that might be a bit of a problem,as it uses the last 3 throttle files from pikas 37,the first 5 throttle samples belong to me,just modded to give it a bit more grunt.Any ideas?

Very nice video Truemac, I always love your clips and music selection. :)
You might want to add wgkandsk's Mohawk to the description if anyone wants to download that.


I did say that anything not mentioned can be found on either the Download Station (trainz) or the file library (MSTS).

Glad you liked it.