Trainz videos

@stevelerro So nice I'm in love :) looks very modern for its era. Will buy it without hesitation
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@MF01 i hope you are telling the truth and the best bit in my opinion is from 3:44 onwards the camera is focused on a big buckle in the track thanks to PC's budget cuts...
Passenger train rush hour at Billings MT
Until 1970, during the early evening three passenger trains arrived at the NP depot in Billings MT. The first was the blue ribbon transcontinental streamliner The North Coast Limited which ran from Chicago to Seattle.
The second passenger, called The Mainstreeter, was not as plush as the LImited but a workhorse with streamliner equipment. While the North Coast Limited always made headlines its second-tier sibling worked quietly earning the NP steady profits through the movement of mail and seasonal vacationers to the popular Yellowstone National Park.
The third passenger entering the depot, CB&Q train #30, came from Denver along a CBQ route through Wyoming. This train would leave Billings the next morning as Train #29 and needed to be turned which was depicted in the previous video TANE 2018 02 10 07 12 31 372, Early morning switch in Billings.
Laurel to Columbus on the Mainstreeter
Before the advent of Amtrak, Northern Pacific ran passenger trains between Chicago and Seattle. Train #1 ran west from Chicago while Train #2 ran east from Seattle. These two trains were dubbed the Mainstreeters. Train #25 ran west from Chicago and #26 was eastbound out of Seattle. These trains were the highly touted superliners known as The North Coast Limited. In this video we follow the westbound Mainstreeter from Laurel MT along the Yellowstone River to Columbus MT.