How should I make Montana-like plains?

Hello all! I am currently trying to make a Milwaukee Road themed route set in Montana. The overall theme of the route is a plainsy sort of route with farms and open land.
The hard part is actually replicating that look, as I don’t have a good gaming PC that can handle tons of grass splines. The overall look I’m going for is akin to these images:

If anyone has grass/foliage tips for TS12, please share your route-building know how, as I’m fairly inexperienced with the process of route building. Thanks!
Before we had grass splines, we used to use textures. Eventually, grass splines came along and many of us stayed with textures because the performance was awful on our old PCs. Using textures is not as easy as you think but you can get away with a lot with textures and only use a minimal amount of splines. The reason for this is grass splines are performance killers and you only want to use them where they count and not overdue the use of them. That's the issue that many users have. They go overboard with the grass splines and the new Turf-FX grass and it sucks the performance right out of the PCs.

As far as particular splines go, look at those by JVC. There's a ton of them on the DLS.
Keep the splines within a hundred yards of the track -- beyond that they are not perceived by the train operator anyway.
