Incompatibility issue?


Well-known member
I just wanted to note that the following is on the DLS tonight as version 5.2:
<kuid2:490249:100378:1> Island_IndustriesTRS19_updated by Ghost42.
Since it is version 5.2, it is actually incompatible for TRS19, which can only use up to 5.1
For 5.2 should it perhaps be renamed to TRS22 and given a new KUID?
I don't have this route, and it may not cause any issues at all, I just wanted to make note of it.
I just wanted to note that the following is on the DLS tonight as version 5.2:
<kuid2:490249:100378:1> Island_IndustriesTRS19_updated by Ghost42.
Since it is version 5.2, it is actually incompatible for TRS19, which can only use up to 5.1
For 5.2 should it perhaps be renamed to TRS22 and given a new KUID?
I don't have this route, and it may not cause any issues at all, I just wanted to make note of it.

Going by what you stated, only able to use 5.1 (and below, I assume), then 5.2 and above just will not download from the application TRS19.

That was my experience for another route I tried recently made in TRS22.

Also, if it is possible, a route made for 5.1 with assets that above 5.1, it will have missing dependencies, too.

I guess it is time to think about moving to TRS22, if more stuff coming out is not compatible with TRS19.

Yes, exactly, so I think the author maybe just overlooked changing the name and using a new KUID? Because the name really doesn't fit, and it can't be downloaded, but it may show up for a lot of TRS19 people as "Newer version available".

- And I really hadn't meant to post it in this thread, but out on the main 2019 forum. oops.