Recommendations: Trainz 2022 Custom Route & Route Industries


New member
Hello, recently purchased TRZ 2022, Looking for a decent length route that works well with Trainz 22 and already has some industries attached to it.
Any suggestions would greatly be welcomed.

thank you.
thank you very much! Is there a tutorial or info somewhere on how industries work and can be setup in surveyor mode for this game? Been a long time since 2012.
I used to use the Multiple industry New extensively in sessions, but found configuring multiple MINs far too time consuming. So now in the sessions I have uploaded for my routes and layouts I leave it to the session player to load and unload freight cars.

In Surveyor 2.0 this is how freight cars can be loaded and unloaded in Driver (full screen / 1440p):

This is how it's done with the Classic Surveyor:
