Driving wheels still moving?


Creator, BMP Trainz
On a few of my steam locomotives I noticed that even when the train is completely stopped, the driving wheels still turn (usually very very slowly). It doesn't happen every single time I stop the engine, just most of the time. Is this an issue with the engines or some sort of bug in TS2019? This is in "DCC Mode" if that helps.
This frequently happens in DCC for me, in fact you can toggle it on and off by switching driving modes. Even happens to the rolling stock.
Yes it has been an issue for a long time in Trainz. It is not just you. It is not a particular kuid or item or anything you are doing wrong.
Yes it has been an issue for a long time in Trainz. It is not just you. It is not a particular kuid or item or anything you are doing wrong.

Do you know if it happens with every steam locomotive? Or just a handful? If it's not every single one there must be something that can be changed to fix it.