Who can I talk to about Baldwin steam tram No.1A, 1879?

Yes, Paulz Trainz. Good pricing for commissions.

They already have a Brit Steam Tram for sale. http://www.paulztrainz.myenet.info/inside/LNERJ70.htm

I'm sure you could get the Baldwin commissioned :)


I might be doing Paul out of a commission here (sorry Paul) but I do think there is one of these on the download station. If I remember rightly is a 2004 item made by NSWGR_46Class. Let 'me know if you cannot find it and I will see if I can find it for you.
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I might be doing Paul out of a commission here (sorry Paul) but I do think there is one of these on the download station. If I remember rightly is a 2004 item made by NSWGR_46Class. Let 'me know if you cannot find it and I will see if I can find it for you.
What's it called?
Here you go.

Download Page
TS2010 NSWGT steam motor - NSWGR_46Class


Well... There's no version of the locomotive that's newer than this one from the DLS, so I guess beggars can't be choosers. I guess I'll go with it. Thank you all for your suggestions.
Does anyone have kuids or names of the passenger cars that go with the TS2010 NSWGT steam motor ?
