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There are two turntables in the content Manager: NSW turntable and 297 120 ft Turntable.
The first has standard two attachments in a corner of 180 degrees, and stops only there. If I look in the coffig.txt of this turntable there are 24 attachment possibilities of which only two are in use. I suppose all the 24 attachment possibilities can be used. The question is how. What do I have to do to use them all or a part of them? I suppose you have to change the coffig.txt, because it seems a script to me. It is just an assumption. It is possible you have to change or add other things.

The second turntable has standard the possibility to stop at every attachment, but if you attach the rails a train derails driving to or from the bridge. Here too is a config.txt looking like a script in which I suppose you have to make changes in order to avoid the train derails. But again is an assumption. It is possible you have to do different things.

Who can tell me what I have to do working the tables in good order?

Thanks in advance and kind ragrds,