JR G Style Trilight Signals


New member
Coming back to Trainz after a long break. Back in TS06 / TS09 I used the Auran searchlight signals mostly because they were fairly easy to figure out. I'm now looking at the JR G Style Trilight Signals and have few questions about setting them up which I can't seem to find the answer for. I did a search so if I missed it I apologize.

So, in the properties for the signals are several settings, some of which appear straightforward so probably are, but others I don't quite understand. For the 06 & 08 the define straight path is pretty self-explanatory as is the Approach lit setting (signal light is off until a train approaches then it comes on to display the aspect). It's the other options I'm not totally clear on.

Diverging route is unbonded: I believe this gets at an unsignaled diverging route, but not sure.

Limited speed diverging route: I get the idea of limited speed, but not sure what this setting does.

Show advanced approach aspect: Not sure.

Operate in automatic when idle (no train approaching): No clue.

I know these can just be placed and messing with the properties isn't really necessary, but I would like to understand them so if I want to change something I know what it's doing. If anyone can explain what the settings do with possibly an example that would be awesome.

Thank you in advance.