Question about ATLS Crossings


New member
I was just wondering, can you have different bells on different crossings on the same ATLS Crossing model? For example: Let's say I had 2 ATLS Crossings, and I wanted one to have a Safetran E Bell, the other with a mechanical bell, could I use something to make one have the E bell, the other the mechanical? I'm editing a route and one of the things I want to see if I can do is that.

Regards, Douglas
Clone the signal that is attatched to the ATLS track with the bell you want to change. If you open the config.txt of the new asset, find a section like this;

sound-122285 "bell.wav"
interval-122285 "0.5"

The 'bell.wav' is the sound file. Open a signal with the sound you want, and copy the sound file to your new asset. Either change the config.txt or the sound file name so that they match. Submit the asset and make sure there are no errors.

Don't forget to name your new signal so you can find it in Surveyor. Dont use the original name, you could add the word new to the end of it.