JR Train FX Library Handbrake


Hi Justin,
I know there is already a Handbrake applied & Handbrake release function in the JR TFX Library Traincars using JR TFX Library, Can a function be added to release & apply Handbrake that applies to entire consist?
If u have a Consist that uses the JR TFX Library and a locomotive is not coupled to Consist, but is going to coulped to that Consist can Handbrake be applied by default on Trainz Starting a session to this Consist to prevent Consist from rolling away.
This is an interesting question that I am not sure I have all of the information about what you want to do. Internally by default the game will set handbrakes at the start of a session so nothing can roll away. the JR use of the brake is merely an interface to the built-in braking so I don't really have access to change it's behavior, a new one would have to be made. let me know precisely what you are trying to accomplish.
Hi Justin, Im trying to create a new engine spec for traincars if i leave start 0.005533 & autobrakecylinder_start 0.005603 in if i have very long consists on start up of trainz the brakes take while to release.
I have removed the
figure in pressure container at 0 auxreservoir_start 0 & autobrakecylinder_start 0 and im getting much better response the brakes release a lot quiker the down side is when trainz starts up a session i would i would try to couple up to a loose consist.
I know
lesley assets PN VQOF 10+ SG <KUID2:88211:1010560:2> script uses this methed - if u look at 1960s 4 Axle Wagon E-spec - 2 - (TS09) <KUID2:404079:1081:2> u will in pressure container at 0 auxreservoir_start 0 & autobrakecylinder_start 0.
Justin, I have also done the same test with the
PN VQOF 10+ SG <KUID2:88211:1010560:2> script uses this methed - if u look at 1960s 4 Axle Wagon E-spec - 2 - (TS09) <KUID2:404079:1081:2>.
Where iam having this issue is on a graded siding.
1 Create session
2 Place Locomotive on track uncoupled
3 place 10 x PN VQOF 10+ SG not couple up to Locomotive
4 start session and coulpe locomotive up to consist. Note Cosist does not roll away.
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