What are your favourite North American Freight routes for TS2019?

Some think that searching to the far ends of the Universe for those missing dependencies makes men out of boys. Me -- if there are too many I immediately delete the route.

Exactly, same here, more than 1 unknown Kuid missing and it's gone, history, sayonnara. :hehe:

Some route creators think that it's necessary to use all the built-in assets and most of the assets (of which there must be a million or so) on the Download Station.

I had one that was even missing a chicken with a blue hat.

Some routes I have downloaded have required more than a thousand dependencies from the DLS, and even then I still had missing dependencies.

I got one with 3000+ LOL. Another with 1.4k. Anything over 250 seems overkill.
My line/era of choice is 60's CPR in the grey maroon colours that Ive never been to find. Im still using the routes the dl came with 18 months ago.