What's going on here?


Route Builder
As a longtime user & supporter of Trainz, I wanted to take advantage of the latest offer of Trainz plus for Trainz 22. I had amassed around 1300 Trainz points so I thought I'd use them to obtain the $10 discount I was entitled to. I filled in the credit card form using the discount code for the Points but I got a message saying "The code referenced in parameter coupon is not present" (I haven't shown the Discount code) Are you kidding me?

Also in addition to not allowing me to use the points for the transaction, I noticed that 1000 points had been taken off my Trainz Points total !!!!!!

I tried to order again but got the same message.

All I want to do is spend money with NV3, who appear to be making it difficult or am I doing something wrong?

Regards Gam :eek::eek::eek::':)confused:
Ticket sent to Helpdesk. Thanks.

@ Clam1952, Thanks but changing browsers won't tell me where or what happened to my 1000 Trainz points.

Regards Gam
I understand where Clam1952 is coming from. While his suggestion may not solve your problem, I have come across a few web sites where my preferred browser (Firefox) does not work well and, in a very few cases, not at all. In the latter case I have to switch to a different and less preferred browser.

Even stranger, this forum page appears slightly different on the same version (build) of Firefox on the same version of Windows but on different computers. On my main gaming computer the "Advanced Search" link, for example, is only half visible with the top of the letters disappearing into the white border above it but is fully visible on all the other computers (running the same browser build) and on my Android phone. A very minor point but annoying.
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I build websites for a living. Not only do you have to contend with each browser being different but, as you point out, you have to worry about each Version of browser. Add to that the fact that you now build "Responsive" websites where the items move around depending on screen size. You spend more time checking/proofing on different browsers and screen sizes than you do building.

Also, in line with the "different browser" suggestion above, browsers are always changing the way they handle things. Chrome security settings on late versions are a killer. Things that are perfectly fine and "allowed" in html, css, php, scripts and such won't work because of those tight settings. First thing I suggest to users when they have a problem is "try another browser."
Problem solved, according to Helpdesk " Trainz Reward Pointz can only be used in the Trainz Store and cannot be used with our membership subscriptions" So now we know. Oh well, it was worth a try. I'm still going to purchase. Thanks to Helpdesk for their rapid reply.

Regards Gam
Pity I tried to did it too and now I'm waiting for my points back (if it will be possibile...)
Remember to check your "My Trainz" account for you membership discount!

Not the Trainz points, but a discount on the monthly or annual subscription of $2.00/month or $24.00 per annum.

It does work with TS22.

@sister, they've kindly put my points back on my account, check with helpdesk for yours.

@Col, I already paid up front, couldn't find any discounts for which I was eligible but the included 365 day first class ticket more than makes up for any discount.

Regards Gam:D
Try looking at "MyTrainz" tab from the forum page, then on the left panel there's a heading "Trainz", subheading "my digital downloads" and below that "My discount codes".
Hunting the old threads, it appears that the discount is offered to lifetime FCT holders. Basically so you're not paying twice for access to the DLS...

All the best,

Everything is allright now. Helpdesk answered my question quickly and efficently. Got my points back :) Thanks to all