European and British Narrow Gauge Screenshots

re post #102 fant_autentico.
Many thanks for the compliment.
re post #101 smyers
Love to see a Welsh ng route from you with plenty of junk and grime lying about. Something on the lines of your downtown urban layouts.



Cheers, Ken
Love to see a Welsh ng route from you...

I'll work on it, Ken. Let's see what happens.

In the meastime, I've managed a black early crest work-a-day Garratt by swapping rear bogies and textures. Looks OK...


No masterpiece but not too bad!

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If I may quote Henry Ford regarding the only color you could get his Model T in was black:
"You can get it in any color you want, so long as it's black."
re #post 107 jordan412
Don't forget "L.B.S.C.R. Stroudley Improved Engine Green"

re post#106 smyers
A good idea to 'Mix and Match'. I'll do a couple more in black in due course. Keep up the good work.
On the DLS, narrow gauge stuff by clam1952 and SF L&B coaches by steveflanders and also his site



Cheers, evilcrow
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Don't forget "L.B.S.C.R. Stroudley Improved Engine Green"

I seem to remember someone did a mock up of a Garratt in improved engine green when the WHR were trying to decide what colour 138 should be. It didn't look great IMO...
re post #115 KotangaGirl
Thanks for the compliment Annie, I hope that you are safe from the storms in NZ.
re post #116 fant_autentico
Excellent atmospheric shot.


Cheers, evilcrow