more than one mission code managers

Hi Matt.

MCM rule has not been designed to support multiple instances and most of the work is not done under MCM itself but through calls to the MCM library which will remain unique if there are multiple MCM instances. So I don't know exactly what will happen with multiple instances, but I bet that all instances will share most of their data and so having multiple MCM instances will be useless with may be a few side effects ...

Hi Matt

There are no specified limit on the number of mission code.

Just remember that mission codes are strings, and searching in the eligibility tables in MCM data means searching and comparing a lot of strings, so for performance efficiency it is better to keep mission codes short in length than having very lengthy mission codes (but it is not forbidden ; there are no limit on the length of a mission code string).
Eligibilty tables uses several indexes to optimise eligibility entry access, so the number of eligibility entries should not be a problem …

I know several session creators that are using quite a lot of mission codes (40 to 60) in a session. I don’t think I have already seen a session with more than 100 mission codes, but there are no reason that should prevent a session with more than a hundred mission codes to run fine …

MCM should be more sensitive to the number of concurrent trains with mission codes : currently it uses a global request queue and with an average of 3 to 5 concurrent requests per train it may mean quite a lot of requests in the queue for 60 concurrent trains ( 5 x 60 = 300 ) but the global request queue has several indexes that should help accessing efficiently to the needed requests …
