Gnarly Mountains Surveyor


Gentlemen, I have begun to liberate myself and create something for everyone else on a map. Since I cannot finish building a simple route for myself,
perhaps I can generate a simple map for other surveyors. Any suggestions, ideas, crummy remarks, etc, etc., should be welcome (??) . Maybe. (lolol)
Tell me what you think and I'll give it my best.

The Colonel :cool:
Don't put yourself down Col,
everyone can make a route in Trainz, or can learn to do so

idea 1: a vitrine (no idea what a true translation is, show case?)

basicly a few pieces of track above eachother with a neutral background
so if you made a few trains you can place them and make a screeny of a group

another idea: a 1 board return loop, at the end of a line, to replace a portal
to make it more interesting it could have a few sidings
1 train arrives, stops and another leaves
can make this as complicated as you want.

anyway, just have fun with trainz, no matter what version
greetings GM