Check Trackside Rule


New member
I have set up the 'Check Trackside' rule in session rules to start a shunter after a different consist enters a station.

My question is - What do I put in the shunters driver commands to recognise this consist entering the station, to get the shunter doing it's work?

I have a similar question for the 'Resource Verify' Rule

Thanks for any help.

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I don't know how it works as I always use the "post message" and "wait for message and clear" driver commands. The shunter is set up with the commands to do the shunting but the first command is "wait for message and clear". When the consist arrives and has uncoupled you use the "post message" command which tells the shunter to start its job. Post and wait must use the same name and number.
Thanks Stagecoach for your suggestion. That is one way to attack the problem, but I was hoping there would be a driver command that referenced the rule directly.

You can use WaitForTrigger command on the shunter to let it know when a particular train (or any train) has arrived. You need to first make it available in the session by checking it in the Driver Command rule.
Thanks for your reply Rob.

There are issues with the ‘wait for trigger’ command unfortunately.

I have used it in the past.

The ‘check trackside’ is the way to go, but it needs to be easier to use, specifically from the driver commands.

I think you need to insert the Driver Schedule rule, as a child of the Check Trackside rule. You can then enter your shunting commands into the Driver Schedule rule.

Thanks Vostrail,

I am looking to access these commands from the driver commands at the bottom of the driver screen for easy access and alterations. Thanks for your advice.

As an interim fix, I think I'll go with stagecoach's.

Stage coach, I have looked on the DLS for these two commands, but can't see them. Is this where you found them? Are they the correct titles of these commands?

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<kuid2:131986:1028:3> WaitForMessageAndClear
<kuid2:131986:1027:1> PostMessage
<kuid2:131986:1029:1> WaitForMessage

All on the DLS, they are old but still work without flaws in the latest version of Trainz. Ignore the driver names as they don't relate to a driver in the list. You just need to make sure that the name of sender and reciever are the same.
Hello Stagecoach,

I just just noticed that there are no scroll bars on those two commands. I have more than 15 drivers, which means the drivers in the lower part of the list aren't showing.

Do you have more than 15 drivers? Are they all showing on the list?

If you have more than 15 drivers, were you able to get around this problem?

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Ignore the driver names, they are not linked to any named driver. Those names were the default ones at the time it was created. As long as both the post and wait use the same name and number, it works. Just keep a list of the ones you have used. I tend to use the driver name for a station area rather than a driver.
TRS 19 - latest beta

I have recently noticed that the “post message” and “ wait for message and clear” have started to work only on an ad-hoc basis or not at all.

Is anyone else having this problem?